Doctor Who: Series 6- A Postmortem...

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Dec 7, 2010
Okay, now with series 6 finished, I thought it about time that I do a critique of series 6 of the new series of Doctor Who.

I have to admit, there's something lacking, especially in Steven Moffat's episodes. The stories seem more variable than usual. But keep in mind that I do not say bad. There are bad stories (The Curse of the Black Spot), some good stories (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon) and some excellent stories (The Doctor's Wife).

Some points (spoilers abound):

*River's victim and identity: While the revelation that she was Amy and Rory's child was something of a surprise and a pleasant one, the identity of her victim was not, and I wished that Steven Moffat was a little more creative about River's past.

*The Silence: While their reason for destroying the TARDIS is unknown (assuming that they were responsible, which they may not have been), the aliens in charge of the Silence are an eerie concept well realised, and while not utilised to the fullest, are still one of the best creations in the series.

*How the Doctor tricked time: Didn't see it coming. Didn't even think about the Teselecta.

*The First Question: While a bit underwhelming at first, I realised that it is perfectly possible that Steven Moffat may be harkening back to the Cartmel Masterplan, where the Seventh Doctor was portrayed as a more mysterious and devious person with a darker and more obscure past than we had considered before. Maybe Moffat's going to revisit that? After all, the First Question was mentioned by Madame du Pompador in The Girl in the Fireplace, and the Doctor's true identity was hinted to be one of the issues in the Cartmel Masterplan.

The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
I really liked this series as a whole. There were dodgy bits but that was to be expected over 13 episodes and as there were enough really good bits they made up for it. The first question is a good theme for the next series and I can see Moffat playing with it.

My problem with the series was alluded to by Tiffany this is getting to be an insiders series and that cannot be good for the future existance of the show. There are not enough areas for non fans to get a grip of to pull them in and enough areas where you really need a solid understanding of the back story to put off the casual watcher. This was always going to be a problem with Moffat, much as I like his version of the Doctor, that he really isn't accessable to the wider audience. Q's reference to the Cartmel Masterplan is a good example of this geek/fan approach to the way the programme is going and frankly although I understood the reference (which is to an unwritten more mysterious backstory for the Doctor) how many others did, and that sums up the problem with this series..


Dec 7, 2010
Would you like an explanation of the Cartmel Masterplan? Moffat hasn't made any reference to it, but it occurred to me that Moffat, who was a fan before joining the show, might have remembered it and decided to revive it.

BTW, I have to both agree and disagree with you there, on it becoming more of an insider's show. I agree because many of the references of late might only be understood by a fan of the show, and also, the story arc in this latest series in particular requires that you watch at least half of the episodes to understand it.

However, I disagree in another way because there are plenty of stand-alone episodes that were excellent and which require little or no continuity knowledge to enjoy, like The Doctor's Wife (which can be enjoyed even if you have only a passing acquaintance with the show), Night Terrors and The God Complex. Not only that, but Moffat has avoided Russell T Davies' habit of bringing old classic series foes back for the finale, this season at least. Kudos to him for that at least. :)


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Okay...lets get the elephant in the room out of the way first..

I LOVE DR WHO! so it is had to be unbiased.....


This series was choppy.

Maybe its because we have to wait a week to get the show on TV! :devil:

I am in two minds about the series. Some series, the episodes "follow" each other and you can enjoy the episode madly picking up clues and having a right roaring discussion about it later. Other series the episodes could stand alone and still be joined. This was neither one or the other right through.

As much as I love Dr Who I would hate to exclude the casual viewer (after all there are only the Dr Who devotees and those ABOUT to become devotees) and a series where you have to know the back story is horrible.

My teen was at my ex's for the first part of this series and he wouldnt let her watch it (pure evil as he is a Dr Who fan and watched it on his computer) Just a way of taking away something she loved and knew it was something she connected with me.

Thing is.... she found it hard to catch up on the back story and didn't enjoy the series this time as she has in the past. Sad.

And a huge thank you to Bouncy for sending some of the missing episodes she had missed :laugh: Muwahs.

The best "new" series was where the Master was made Prime Minister of England. In that series the episodes stood alone AND continued to a full series all neatly tied up.

And why do we need a "cliff hanger" as a last episode? Its not freaking "Neighbours"!!!


Dec 28, 2010
County Durham, UK
I found the series a bit choppy to. The first half seemed to falter and I did not like the mid-season cliffhanger. So much so that I considered skipping the second half of the series. However I really enjoyed the second half of the series and found that by the end I was really looking forward to the season finale. Overall I would say it was a good series and has cemented this Matt Smith as my favourite Dr.
I have very mixed opinions on this last series. While individual episodes stood out as genuinely superb, The Doctor's Wife and The Girl Who Waited are good examples and hold up well with the very best that new Who has produced so far, I thought the series as whole was something of a let down.

The acting was superb, Matt Smith in particular is a revelation, but too often lumpy or ill considered story telling had to be smoothed over by an actor's performance or by hyperactive editing. The overall story arc was disappointing and predictable to say the least. A series of sometimes brilliant moments, which failed to form a coherent whole, I'm afraid.

I still enjoyed the series, but it gradually became something I'm happy to DVR and watch later, as opposed to the unmissable show I used to find it.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Well said Danny.

Last year I made a house guet MISS his football grand final as the whole family gathered to watch a particular Dr Who show. :twisted:

It was not like that this season. Dont get me wrong though. I still loved it
I think the problems, and let's be honest here; they aren't so large as to warrant no longer watching, lie in the two opposing styles of Steven Moffat and Russell T. Davies as show runners. Moffatt seems (from the outside, anyway) to let the show grow organically, which can allow individual brilliance to flourish but inclines to a more disjointed overall feel, while Davies is very much of the "THIS is what needs to happen, go away and write something that fits." school of producing, which means a given series as a whole contains fewer moments of soaring magnificence, but feels tighter and more coherent when taken as a single entity. What you gain from one approach, you lose from the other.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the episode Blink, a standalone "breathing space" episode from a tightly scripted Davies arc, was written by Moffat and is widely regarded as one of, if not THE, best episodes of the returned series.

I'm also a bit miffed by the constant use of prophecies, but that's a purely personal dislike based on thinking of them as lazy and deterministic. "Oh, any old thing can happen and justify the story going in this or that direction. It's not a deus ex machina, I foreshadowed it with a prophecy. Look! I've mentioned it umpteen times." I'm sorry, but a prophecy is no substitute for Chekhov's Gun.
Apr 29, 2009
Calm down dear!!

By the way. Have you seen any Sarah Jane Adventures?

I've just watched S4, and they are spectacular compared to the Mother Ship. Monsters far more scary and much better stories.


Dec 7, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
Calm down dear!!

By the way. Have you seen any Sarah Jane Adventures?

I've just watched S4, and they are spectacular compared to the Mother Ship. Monsters far more scary and much better stories.
I saw the first one, Invasion of the Bane. Didn't impress me, though it was okay, I guess. Poor Liz Sladen, though. :cry:
Apr 29, 2009
I'm sending them all to Del, so perhaps you can borrow them? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OK, the Bane wasn't exactly a brilliant one, but if you get a chance, they're well worth the watch.

I'm gutted that the final ones won't be released for ages yet.

I watch S4 at the weekend, and in the Extras was 4 episodes of a Tom Baker/Lis Sladen story (forgotten the name, but it was to do with Egyptian mummies).

God the effects were awful, and so was the acting!! I fell asleep during Ep. 2. :oops:


Dec 7, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
I'm sending them all to Del, so perhaps you can borrow them? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OK, the Bane wasn't exactly a brilliant one, but if you get a chance, they're well worth the watch.
I can get the first 3 series from my local library if I really wanted.

Bouncy Castle said:
I watch S4 at the weekend, and in the Extras was 4 episodes of a Tom Baker/Lis Sladen story (forgotten the name, but it was to do with Egyptian mummies).

God the effects were awful, and so was the acting!! I fell asleep during Ep. 2. :oops:
:eek: :x

You're talking about Pyramids of Mars? But that was one of my favourites from that era! It was one of the best!!!

You'd clearly fall asleep during any episode of the classic series. :rolleyes:

Still, just to sell the show to you, here's a much better trailer...

And then, there is a very funny pseudo-documentary detailing the career of Sutekh after Pyramids of Mars: Oh Mummy! If you don't like the story, you'll still laugh at this. :laugh:

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