Doctor Who: The Big Finish audios...

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Dec 7, 2010
I heard The Dark Husband was a bad one, along with Nekromanteia. Earth Aid is at least as bad as Silver Nemesis and Time and the Rani.

And yes, it's one of the Lost Stories line. It was part of a four story arc set after season 26: Thin Ice, The Crime of the Century, Animal, and Earth Aid.


Dec 7, 2010
After the disappointment of Earth Aid came a much better story, Night Thoughts. Bloody good, emphasis on bloody. Don't listen to this one late at night.


Dec 7, 2010
Enjoyed The Magic Mousetrap, Love and War (an excellent adaptation of an excellent book), and Max Warp (a funny spoof of Top Gear). Currently listening to the second episode of Dark Eyes, Fugitives, and have recently listened to the first episode of Dark Eyes, The Great War.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I'm slightly reluctant to listen to Love And War. It's a really good book in its own right, but I didn't really like the way it left the Doctor and Ace's relationship. Probably silly, but still... :)

I've got a bit more spare cash at the moment than I have had recently, so I'll probably have a bit of a catch-up on Big Finish soon. :)


Dec 7, 2010
Jack Remillard said:
I'm slightly reluctant to listen to Love And War. It's a really good book in its own right, but I didn't really like the way it left the Doctor and Ace's relationship. Probably silly, but still... :)

I've got a bit more spare cash at the moment than I have had recently, so I'll probably have a bit of a catch-up on Big Finish soon. :)
Well, you better plug the gaps in your collection of the first 50 stories: Big Finish has reduced the prices, but when they run out of stock, there'll be no more CDs. The first 50 releases, from The Sirens of Time to Zagreus, will be download only once the CD stock runs out.


Dec 7, 2010
I know, but I'm holding off on getting it for a number of reasons.

1. I'm concentrating on getting the first fifty BF audios, due to the aforementioned circumstances.

2. A Death in the Family relies on a number of previous stories for the full payoff, including Forty-Five: The Word Lord, as well as the Forge arc (Project Twilight, Project Lazarus, and Project Destiny). I'm currently waiting for the first two stories of the Forge arc, and have The Word Lord as part of Forty-Five, but I'm yet to get Project Destiny, and I'd like to listen to The Harvest beforehand as well.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I am kind of vaguely following the Forge arc. :) I forget which stories I've heard with them in. I haven't got or listened to Project Destiny, but I know a bit about it as A Death In The Family followed on from it. :laugh: I should probably buy it, as it does sound like it could be a fun one.

I'd listened to Forty Five though, so knew about the Word Lord. The Harvest was good though.

I will definitely be getting the 7/Ace/Hex season that followed it, as it is supposed to be brilliant as well...

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
All three of which arrived at work today. :laugh: Listened to the first two episodes of Protect and survive on the drive home from work. Really good so far.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I haven't decided whether to get Afterlife. I'm expecting it to be mostly two hours of misery. :laugh:

I did listen to To The Death in the end... Very good, though depressing.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I'm really looking forward to the 4th Doctor/Romana 2 audios next year. :laugh: I read the original novel of The Well Mannered War when it was hosted as an e-book on the BBC website. Made me laugh quite a lot, as usual for Gareth Roberts. :laugh: Haven't read the other 2 books they are adapting.

Also looking forward to the completely new original stories. :laugh:

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
They sent me an email saying that I could trade in my copy in exchange for a voucher. I had a look at the value of the voucher they were offering. It was £0.25p

I will not be doing that. :laugh:

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