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Mar 1, 2012
Bouncy Castle said:

Just realised I've under-paid the postage on the one to Del.


I suppose it will either come back here, or Del's gonna have to take out a second mortgage!!

:oops: :oops:
I KNEW there would be a thread here somewhere!.... Disc-world books? New Books? So many things cross over! Havent been out of the Broken Drum in ages *hic*

THANK YOU BOUNCY !!!!!!! Got my copy last week. It was a teaser alright... I had such bad migraines I couldnt focus to read so it had to wait.

I HATE you! Arghhhhhhhh! Maybe I should send you a tiny tiny tiny bit of choccy and tell you I will send the rest in ohhhhh a few months! :twisted:

Its not discworld.... and as much as I try I keep expecting Granny to appear...or DEATH. But its Dodger. And I was enjoying it til it ended :( Bugger.

It was so lovely of you to think of me Bouncy. :angelic-little:

And I got NO notice nor nuffin from the Post Office (and strangely they have sent me a letter before when 25c was owing on something.) Perhaps it wasnt noticed in the UK so noone of course would check every piece of mail here. SCORE! And I would have paid $2 gladly to get a sneek peek at Dodger.

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