Hello! Been lurking here for about week now, but I figured as I just finished Dodger I'd toss in a few cents' worth.
I enjoyed it, overall. Terry still has a way with words, as I still remember loving the opening paragraph, and a lot inbetween. I don't have many gripes with this story, other than thinking that nothing much really happens, but part of that is due to the lack of a strong antagonist.
Let's face it, the only time Dodger's in any real danger is near the very end, when he faces down The Outlander, and even then it felt very anticlimactic. Oh, sure, we'd been told about them by other characters, but there was never any indication that they were anywhere near Dodger's tail until that point. And Smart Bob... well, he was also barely present.
Actually, that scene with the meeting between Smart Bob and his employers was the only part where I can recall any real menace, any real danger, of any kind.
All of that said, again I did quite enjoy it, and part of that is due to the quality of the writing, and the other due to the characters. Every time Charlie was on the page was great, Onan's mere presence was a hoot, Dodger was engaging, and Soloman was a mystery unto himself. Angela was highly amusing, too. I don't have much to say about Simplicity, though, except that she seems to be a nice girl and is the first person to really make Dodger want to do more than just tosh. London worked really well as a character, even if it felt a bit too much like Ankh-Morpork at times (which goes to show how much AM is inspired by London).
So, yes, while good and worth a read, I certainly wouldn't call it his best work.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do something I've never done but this board has inspired me to do: Read the entire Discworld novels in order (of publication).