She's definitely being a hypocrite - the fortune-telling thing's just another stock-in-trade for witches - but it is more an urban thing. People in rural or remote regions haven't generally got so much time for frivolities...
Methods of contraception (of which abortion was really the only option in most of those type of rural communities) and female affinity and tolerance of witches go hand in hand. The palm reading/gypsy aspect is as good a way as any to cloud other more practical consultations. Pennyroyal's just one of several herbal methods of causing miscarriage or with contraceptive properties that go as far back as late neolithic times (in Ancient Egypt in particular) although they weren't too reliable especially if taken over long periods.
We've had discussions about witches v wizards, difference thereof before and what it comes down is basic biology and mostly sex (having it, making and preventing babies and feeding them once born). Though males can participate of course, some of those aspects are physically impossible for them and so this means that women's concerns and skills require 'magic' - knowledge, empathy and hands on and off support which is best provided by their own gender.
All the women of the Ramtops value their witches as Terry constantly underlines with the Lancre witches and with Tiffany and indeed Mrs Googol in Genua who's an exotic cultural witch of course and moreover an urban one so Hilta has more common ground with voodoo magic to some extent, what with living in a larger community than Granny. Love potions are also a nice little earner for witches and a more even-handed sexual service for both genders of course - what man would go to a Wizard for that I ask you! Much better to go to Granny or even better Nanny as they understand these things so much better! :twisted:
Actually that's another big, big difference isn't it? Discword Wizards are nearly always celibate and happy to be so it appears. Sex (and it's repercussions) and Wizards aren't a good fit. There are exceptions of course, that almost always end in catastrophe (like Coin's horrible father in Sourcery). Whereas with witches there's matrilinear proof with Granny and with Tiffany who had other witches in the family and then there's Nanny as living proof that abundant sex and witchcraft are totally compatible...