No you can put a poll on an existing thread - I did it with the Discworld PLaying card Workshop - but it has to be done by the 1st poster (so Mongo that's you)
If not then Tony can do it anyway and he can add in other options too
The Witches - has to include the Tiffany series since she interacts with the Lancre Witches in her sub-series
and finally
Uhh, no to both. There is a distinction between a troll and an insufferable, annoying intellectual who doesn't suffer fools gladly. A fine distinction, yes, but a distinction nonetheless.
I know not to cross the line. I prefer to be annoying rather than offensive. You can get away with annoying, as long as you're remotely entertaining and are not malicious.
I don't particularly hate to disillusion you, even though you're still a relative newcomer, but that's being a troll too - only with no excuses if you're aware of what you're doing with some people who aren't so clued up or share your so far indiscriminately vindictive and wholly inappropriate and snidey sense of humour. So far you've had a lot of lifebelts thrown for you 'mate'
but there's a limit to how much longer the people who can be rude and insulting in an amusing and sardonic fashion will put up with your so-called take on intelligent ribbing and sarcasm. If you're doing it to impress and vie with other more established people on this forum it's not working...
You may be a giant in Who fandom and hugely knowledgeable about other realms of extreme nerd-genredom, but I'm not the only one who's getting pissed off at your constant sniping at other people's perceptions and don't think you're being particularly amusing, let alone funny. Wind your neck back and zip it until you learn how to snipe without wounding and putting other people's backs up or bugger off to WoW or Warhammer or some other community that gets off on posturing like some geek cyber rambo where your pearls of wit and wisdom will be appreciated if not understood.
You have crossed the line - I don't flame like this usually except when I know somebody pretty well (pooh is my witness because we've mutually burnt our respective eyebrows a few times) and I don't do this lightly with you, as a relative newcomer, but this constant attitude is getting old now. Back off and think what you're saying and how other people are not getting your jokes and then apply some discretion and I'll post back to you as I have been doing up until now - I only have so much Yule spirit to spare and you've now had more than your fair share.

If not then Tony can do it anyway and he can add in other options too
The Witches - has to include the Tiffany series since she interacts with the Lancre Witches in her sub-series
and finally
Quatermass said:
pooh said:
So on all the other forums you used to be on, did you get booted off for being offensive, or were the members too puny for your enormous intellect?
I know not to cross the line. I prefer to be annoying rather than offensive. You can get away with annoying, as long as you're remotely entertaining and are not malicious.

You may be a giant in Who fandom and hugely knowledgeable about other realms of extreme nerd-genredom, but I'm not the only one who's getting pissed off at your constant sniping at other people's perceptions and don't think you're being particularly amusing, let alone funny. Wind your neck back and zip it until you learn how to snipe without wounding and putting other people's backs up or bugger off to WoW or Warhammer or some other community that gets off on posturing like some geek cyber rambo where your pearls of wit and wisdom will be appreciated if not understood.
You have crossed the line - I don't flame like this usually except when I know somebody pretty well (pooh is my witness because we've mutually burnt our respective eyebrows a few times) and I don't do this lightly with you, as a relative newcomer, but this constant attitude is getting old now. Back off and think what you're saying and how other people are not getting your jokes and then apply some discretion and I'll post back to you as I have been doing up until now - I only have so much Yule spirit to spare and you've now had more than your fair share.