mroobalooba said:
One of my favourite parts of the book was when we're first introduced to Nutt and meanwhile the wizards are running around shouting and attempting to catch Rincewind...pure genius and utterly bonkers
"Aho!! The Megapode!!" Yes, that was fantastic.
Dotsie said:
Without a doubt, my favourite line is when Nutt tries to compliment Glenda:
"You are very kind," he beamed, "and a very handsome lady with your two enormous chests that indicate bountifulness and fecundity--"
Glenda is wonderful, she grows and grows and learns and Anybody who can MAKE good piecrust is Tits in my book.
One of the good quotes is:
"Glenda sat down and started to read. A lifetime of what even she would call bad romantic novels suddenly bore fruit. It read as though someone had turn on the poetry tap and then absent-mindedly gone on holiday."
The fact that she Knew it had been written by Mr. Nutt was amazing on it's own lol.
The next is, "Glenda thought, I used to be able to read you like a book--one with big colourful pages and not many words. And now I can't. What's happening? You're agreeing with me and I ought to feel smug about it, but I don't. I feel bad about it, and I don't know why, and it hurts."
*that is sort of about you pooh*
Rincewind is just soooo funny. " 'I would like permission to fetch a note from my mother, sir' Ridcully sighed. 'rincewind, you once informed me, to my everlasting puzzlement, that you never knew your mother because she ran away before you were born. Distinctly remember writing it down in my diary. Would you like another try?' 'Permission to go and find my mother?' " Personally, I love Rincewind.
Other than that, oh about 2/3's of the book and the other 1/3 too.