Favourite character?

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Sir Samuel Vimes

Jul 3, 2012
Mmmm...tough. :think:

My top 5:

1) Vimes (Obviously)
2) Vetinari (Like Mr. Burns in The Simpsons he's not featured as much but almost steals the show from Vimes' Homer)
3) Death (His cameos are almost as good as Vetinari's)
4) Rincewind (The Discworld's very own wizzardly Scooby Doo, with CMOT Dibbler providing the snacks)
5) Granny Weatherwax (If the terminator was re-imagined as an old lady, she'd be called Esme)


Jun 3, 2012
Ooh, I love these kinds of lists. The characters are often so subtle and layered that it's hard to pick a defining characteristic. For me it's gotta be

1) Granny Weatherwax. When in doubt, WWGWD? She's such a strong and empathetic woman.
2) Death. I love his fascination with humanity and the fact that his horse is called Binky.
3) Mustrum Ridcully. Jolly, pompous old bully with a sly streak - what's not to love?
4) Adorabelle Dearheart - I like the idea of a woman who chooses her high heels based on how quickly they can be driven through someone's foot, and I like the Golem advocacy.
5) Nanny Ogg - hur hur hur. 'Nuff said.

I guess I should like Vimes but somehow I end up just feeling sorry for him.


Jul 11, 2012
NSW, Australia
Are we allowed to change our minds? :laugh: I have only read a few of the novels so far (in reading order: The Colour of Magic, Guards Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, Mort, Equal Rights, The Fifth Elephant, and currently Night Watch). As you can see the Watch novels are the ones I am enjoying most.

So, as predictable as it seems, my favourite character is Vimes. There is something oddly likeable, familiar and identifiable about him. You can love him, hate him, respect him and despise him all within a few pages, which makes for good reading.


New Member
Jul 19, 2012
My favorite character would have to be Carrot. :)

Carrot is a true gentlemen and king. He's so innocent, and he gets along with everyone. And how he and Angua are dating. :)
He really is like a gold coin in a pile of mud (the mud would be Ankh-Morpork). Admittedly, a hilarious pile of mud. :laugh:
I like how he takes control of the situation with the Fred and Nobby so well after he comes back from Uberwald. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of that book, so sorry if I' m a little confusing. :think:
Does anyone remember which book that was?

Also, I run a website at www.pratchettopinions.weebly.com for anyone who's interested. I would be delighted if you visited!



New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Alltime favourite charakter?
And the librarian
But definitely Vimes, because I am as angry as he is, so he's quite indentifiable to me.


Sep 17, 2012
Treacle Mine Road, Ankh Morpork
Vimes. No contest. I want a hundred books about Vimes and crew, especially ones to fill in the gaps of years between them. Night Watch is my favourite so far. I finished the last page and wanted to go straight back to the beginning!! :oops:

I think my life is on hold: am I a Watchaholic?
Sep 19, 2012
Orlando, FL
Vimes! Definitely Vimes is my hands-down favorite - I'm even having a tattoo designed in his honor. As you may guess I'm also a big Adora Belle Dearheart fan. So smokily sarcastically sexy.

Honorable metions: Hex, Ponder Stibbons, DEATH, and Granny Weatherwax.
Sep 27, 2012
It has to be Vimes. Not just because he sticks it to the gits in society who well and truly deserve to have it stuck to them, but mostly because (as a grumpy, cynical bastard) he reminds me a lot of my dad who introduced me to Discworld when I was 12 and then passed away when I was 13. He was buried with a copy of The Colour of Magic.

On a less melancholy note, I think special mention should be given to Nanny Ogg. If my Vimes reminded me a bit of my dad then my mum is undoubtedly the complete Roundworld equivalent of Gytha Ogg. A foul, dirty-minded old woman, desperate for a tribe of grandchildren (which, at 18 I am quite reluctant to give her just yet, thank you). I think people always overlook her in favour of Granny Weatherwax, I think, in her own way, she can be just as powerful.

Jack Remillard

Oct 27, 2009
I think it's probably Vetinari (who will always look like Charles Dance in my mind's eye now). :laugh:

Joint second place are probably Vimes and Granny Weatherwax.

3rd place, probably Tiffany Aching.


Dec 4, 2012
My favorite character is by far DEATH because he's just so cute and funny.
I also like Rincewind since his bad luck is something out of this world ^^'
Dec 3, 2012
Darkest Wiltshire
So hard to chose but if I'm pressed I'd have to say Lord Vetinari in first place with Sam Vimes in second place and Susan in third place.

Bubbling under would be Death, Nanny Ogg, Magrat, Detritus, Nobby Nobbs, Carrot, Adora Belle Dearheart, Sacharissa Cripslock, Jackrum Lu-Tze :think:
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
Sam Vimes by far. A great (though sometimes flawed) character. Night watch and Thud make up my favorite books so there you go :laugh:

Second would be Nanny Ogg. she usually has some of the best bits in the witch books, but can be pretty complex at times.

And DEATH, for the reasons mentioned so far.

An honorable mention for Eskarina Smith. I really liked her character and thought she had so much potential.

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