Gosh This a hard one Like a lot of you on this forum I too can not decied on just one book. My furst choice I have to say I love Colour Of Magic as this is the one that got me started on Discworld books, really love the Character Rinswind, he just can not get the hang of magic, best book with him in has to be Eric, very very funny book and surprisingly thin book was hard to spot it when I was buying it.
Second Choice would have to be Trukers Diggers and Wings books as thses are very funny to read, loved Noomes, they really get you imaganation going and they encuraged me to start reading again.
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My thied Choice would Have to be all the Tiffany books, really love the Wee-Free-Men and the Charactor Annagramma because when you are reading the parts with her and Tiffany in you just what to hit Annagrmma for being so big headed.

Granny wetherwax is excerllant in this book and have to say so are all other Witch that trying to teach young girls.
As a lot of have sad TP book are all brillant and yes they all should be read twice, particuarly the Discworld one as they are so indepth books.
I am currently reading Witersmith and thoroughly enjoying and accoding to one website TP is going to write a forth Tiffany book, I am eagarly waiting for.
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