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Jan 2, 2009
I can't choose a favourite, but there are a few which I am not so keen on. Colour Of Magic being one. Sourcery another, Small Gods I am undecided about, also Making Money (just can't seem to warm to the character of Moist, he's such a smartass).

I enjoy the Watch novels, also the Witches and the Death ones especially when Susan has to get involved, but somehow the Wizards novels don't appeal so much. Dunno why.

Cheers, Vena
I always find it very difficult to nail down an exact favorite, there are so many jostling for that position and it often depends on the last books I've read.

That said, Pyramids is one of my favorites, I think Teppic is a great character and it made me wonder how often throughout history the wishes of a monarch have been twisted by their servants. I've always liked the idea of trying edificeering too :laugh:

Thud! is also one of my favorites, Vimes is a very well written and evolved character and it really shows his strength of will (evicting the summoning dark). It also has a rather feel-good ending, showing that even the most opposite of societies can forge a friendship.

Feet of Clay is a fantastic book, and the idea of what are considered machines (the golems) having freedom seems a vision of the future. Our computers and machinery are becoming smarter all the time, how long until it becomes sentient and must be considered as alive?


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
The use of the Golems is very clever of Terry in my opinion. He's handling two things in one go there - slavery and the Industrial Revolution. It's a theme he explores further in Going Postal and Making Money. :)


Jan 23, 2009
Cornwall, UK
I confess a soft spot for Vimes and the Nightwatch series but it'd be difficult to choose an absolute favourite. Incidentally I always offer 'Small Gods' to any enquiring Pratchett virgin.
Dec 15, 2008
What's with all the difficult questions on this forum??
Unable to choose one favourite, have to put them in different categorys.

Love all the stories with Vimes in them, but think my numero uno have to be Nightwatch. As another on in this thread said, it made me cry :oops:

Also very fond of the witches, especially Witches abroad where Greebo is turned into a human for the first time (Aaaah, these still work...) :laugh:

And of course, let's not forget Wee free men, wish I could bump into some small, blue, pisched and swearin' men just once....or maybe not :)

Haven't really figured out why everybody are falling over themselves over Small gods. Didn't warm up to it at all to be honest o_O

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Possibly 'cos a fair proportion of us are godless heathens - or failing that ex-catholics or Moonies? :p

I think it's more to do with being a 'different' way of looking at lifestyles in some of the other countries for a change and just looking around at how the various peoples of the Disc view 'spirituality'. It was the first book not to have Ankh-Morkpork in it much at all I think - aside from a mention by one of the generals wanting to go there? - and much as I love the filthy ole place it was good to get a closer look at Ephebe for instance and Lu Tze too of course... *sweeps off the post page looking philosophical*


Jan 26, 2009
South Africa
I agree with all the posts that say it’s seriously difficult to pick a favourite!

I do find that that I have gone through seasons so to speak with different books and characters, if that makes sense.

First time I read Small Gods and Jingo I couldn’t get into them at all but then I read them again a few years later and was smitten! Its wonderful that every time you read one of the books whether it’s the first or the 5th time there is something else appealing, always something new hidden in plain site that you didn’t get before!


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Kade said:
First time I read Small Gods and Jingo I couldn’t get into them at all but then I read them again a few years later and was smitten! Its wonderful that every time you read one of the books whether it’s the first or the 5th time there is something else appealing, always something new hidden in plain site that you didn’t get before!
I couldn't agree more Kade! :laugh: Terry's writing is like an onion - there's layer after layer of it (and it can make you cry sometimes ;) )

Welcome to the site!


Jan 26, 2009
South Africa
I couldn't agree more Kade! Terry's writing is like an onion - there's layer after layer of it (and it can make you cry sometimes )
Almost every book makes me cry with laughter, and late at night when im snuggling up with the discworld my dog takes great offence to his pillow (aka me)erupting in fits of laughter.


Feb 4, 2009
I find myself drawn to GOING POSTAL and MAKING MONEY, i think it has something to do with the way Moist von Lipwig (not Lipvig) just seems to be able (in the subtlest way possible) to put up the longest middle finger on a short person( well, i imagine him to be a short person) that you will ever see, stick it right up the **** of the sanctimonious big wigs and break it off at the same time as rubbing the idiots face in the fact that he has just flouted the law and got away with it because of "THE ANGEL on his shoulder" :laugh: Other than that i have to admit that apart from the two of them i can't put a finger on a favourite as it happens to be the one i have just finished re-re-re-re-re-reading!!!!


Oct 13, 2008
Like Chris, I can't remember if I posted here before. My favourite book is the one I am reading at the time. I am still on The Last Hero. But my favourites are Tiffany's & Equal Rites. Though I do like all Terry's Discworld books equally really. I also though Monsterous Regiment brilliant. :laugh:


New Member
Feb 4, 2009
Wiltshire, England
Wow, that's a hard question.
I think I'd probably have to say either The Amazing Maurice (it started my addiction and I just love rats) or Thud, I love the way Pratchett never fully describes the Summoning Dark yet you still get such a vivid mental image of what it looks like. I even tried to draw a little picture of how I imagined it:

But they're all good, I read through them all over and over again.


New Member
Feb 5, 2009
Favourite Book

As my first foray into TP books, Small Gods is and always will be my favourite. I'm torn between the Witches and the Guards series for second choice.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Small Gods is my favourite too - although I didn't think much of it on the first reading. Oddly enough, I've generally found that with Terry's books the ones I wasn't sure of end up being my favourites.

The ones I thought were side-splittingly funny when I first read them, haven't held my attention so much in later readings. :)

Straw Walker

Feb 6, 2009
What a difficult choice! At first I thought 'Equal Rites'. Who can forget their first meeting with Granny W.:eek: Then 'Guards! Guards!', the evolution of the watch.javascript:emoticon('8)') But I think the great political thriller 'Interesting Times' just edges it in the end. :)

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