* The uninitiated may care to know that bashing is much like spotting...
(Sorry, I had to cut off the rest of the footnote or else it would give away the answer. I hope this is ok, but if not, feel free to yell at me and I'll find a different footnote instead).
I just listened to Stephen Briggs read this book - it's Going Postal! It's the bit where Moist doesn't get thrown off Boris, bitten, kicked, and eaten for his pains - which would have been agonising.
Hooray! *whips out his magnifying glass and examines the stamp closely* Ooh! It's the very rare one - the one that shows the person leaping to his death from the Tower of Art. Thank'ee! *gleefully stows stamp away*
Let me think... *thinks*
"It is a long-cherished tradition among a certain type of military thinker that huge casualties are the main thing. If they are on the other side then this is a valuable bonus."