Anybody have some spare dosh to fund a bit of a action horror web series: Gabriel Cushing at the Carnival of Sorrows?
Shameless cash grab as they are friends of mine and I've posted about them a few years ago when they made a short film starring the character Gabriel Cushing:
They have since made another series last year but I forgot to post about it.
This year they are going bigger! :clap: :dance:
They've reached they're funding target of £3,500 with 3 days to spare (I know, late posting again...) but every little more helps and there are loads of great benefits!
Shameless cash grab as they are friends of mine and I've posted about them a few years ago when they made a short film starring the character Gabriel Cushing:
They have since made another series last year but I forgot to post about it.
This year they are going bigger! :clap: :dance:
They've reached they're funding target of £3,500 with 3 days to spare (I know, late posting again...) but every little more helps and there are loads of great benefits!