What are your favourite moments from "Going Postal"?

I just re-read the book and wanted to share mine...
Moments of Funny
Vetinari: "Just thinking aloud... I know government is not supposed to do that. Mr Gilt will probably say so."
The crowd scene outside the Post Office.
Random Lady: "Are you re-opening the old place? My granddad used to work there!"
Moist: *thinks* "Well done him."
Random Lady: "He said there was a
curse on the post office!"
Moist: "Really? Well I could do with a curse right about now."
Random Lady: "He said there was a thing in the cellar that drove you mad!" She seemed to enjoy the syllable so much that she repeated it. "Maaad!"
Moist: "Really? Well we don't believe in going insane in the post office, do you Mr Groa-"
Groat: "You daft old besom! Why did you have to go and tell him that for?!"
Moist: "Mr Groat! I want to see you inside right now!" *leads him inside through an amused Ankh-Morpork crowd*
Ankh-Morpork high society notices Reacher Gilt and start thinking, "What kind of name is 'Reacher', anyway?"
Hmm... could 'Reacher' be a play on the expression 'nouveau riche', or perhaps on the word 'parvenu' - i.e. someone who was trying to 'break into high society'? In other words, a person who was 'reaching above their station', as they used to say. Maybe that's what TP was thinking of?
A "tear-jerker" moment...
Mr Pump: "When Banks Fail, It Is Seldom Bankers Who Starve... You Have Torn Bread From Their Mouths and Clothes From Their Backs..." etc.
It comes after a moment of philosophy when Mr Pump accuses Moist of murdering 2.33 people. It becomes a moment of hilarity when Moist, later, considers this: how could you murder 0.33 of a person? But Mr Pump seems to think you could murder with a ruler.* How would it be if bartenders acted like that? "Here's your brandy, sir, and I've 0.003 killed you."
* Nice call-back to
Night Watch, by the way.
Some time later... another moment of pure fun.
Moist has just passed the Postman's Walk and got the dogs - he thinks that they are pure-bred Lipwigzers - to sit. The Order of the Postmen congratulates him, and Mr Pump takes the dogs back to Harry King.
Moist tells Groat that Harry must be doing well to set loose Lipwigzers as guard dogs, and Groat replies that they are definitely not pure Lipwigzers - but cross-breeds (possibly with alligators).
Moist's reply - after a moment of silence - is: "No... problem. You know, I really have got to get some laundry done... and maybe some new shoes..."
I had to keep a very stiff upper lip at the end of chapter 5. It's a very Moses-like moment.
The letters speaking to Moist: "Acquire Worth with Speed, Moist von Lipwig! Bring back the light! Open the Doors! Stay not the Messengers About their Business!"
"Moist von Lipwig?"
Chapter 6... Groat and Moist discuss the New Pi, built by B. S. Johnson.
Moist: "Didn't he build things? Wasn't there always a flaw?"
Groat: "That's right, sir... usually, the flaw was that they were built by Bloody Stupid Johnson."
Chapter 6... the story of the New Pi and how the machine was finally stopped.
Chapter 7... the stamps. Moist gets Groat excited about the idea of stamps and sending letters to everywhere in the world.
Moist: "We'll need staff, Mr Groat - a lot more staff!... Smarten up, man! The post office is back!"
Groat: "Yes, sir! We'll... we'll do quite new things in interesting ways!"
Moist rolls his eyes and says "You're getting the hang of this already."
Adorabelle Dearheart delivers the golems to the post office, and Groat - who is unhappy - reports this to Moist. Moist is thinking about why this should make the postmen unhappy - and starts thinking: "I'd get another chance to be smiled at by Miss Dearheart... think about golems! Golems golems golems..."
In chapter 6, Anghammarad - a golem who is 19,000 years old, and who used to deliver messages for kings and gods - recites from memory his own motto: "Neither deluge nor ice storm nor the black storms of the nether hells shall stay these messengers about their sacred business. Do not ask us about sabre-tooth tigers, tar pits, big green things with teeth, or the goddess Czol."
And it gets even funnier from there, with a moment of both heart-warming and hilarity: By common consent, Anghammarad becomes an
Extremely Senior Postman because all the other postmen think that it's only fair.
It gets even funnier with Miss Maccalariat turns up... and suddenly a golem becomes female, is called Gladys, and wears a gingham skirt.
Moist is getting ready to go out on his first date with Adorabelle Dearheart. Mr Pump observes: "Anghammarad says that she reminds him of Leela, the Volcano goddess, who smokes all the time because the god of rain has rained on her lava."
"Yes," says the distracted Moist, "but women complain about that sort of thing all the time."
The thugs in the Mended Drum planning a
choreographed bar brawl. LOL...! And Adorabelle pulling off a Dirty Harry on a maudlin drunk... and the rest of their evening together. Oh dear. *LOL*
I had to keep a stiff upper lip when Moist confessed his past to Adorabelle Dearheart. She asked him why he was telling her all this. His reply? "Because I'm not Reacher Gilt. That's sort of important." :-(
This is followed almost immediately by a moment of awesome hilarity when Miss Maccalariat tries to hire people and asks Moist "Do we embrace divertingly?" ...because that's what they do at the Grand Trunk. (She means "embrace diversity", obviously - but Moist cuts through the bull by telling her "No, because we don't know what it means. We just employ anybody who can read and write and reach a letterbox." *L*
Later on, we see that the Golem Trust (now closed) has an extra layer of graffiti - in crayon, and at knee level - that reads "GOLMS R MADE OF POO". (Earlier on, there was a layer of graffiti that read "SMASH THE BARSTUDS", and Terry comments: "It was good to see the tradition of idiocy passed on in a no-good-at-all sort of way.")
Another "Stiff Upper Lip" moment...
Devious Collabone reads the "message from the dead". Spine-chilling:
"There was no safety. There was no pride. There was only money. Money treated us as if we were things and we died."
...and later, Moist's reaction to all this...
"...We who died on the dark towers demand this of you..."
He ought to be ashamed. :-(
...and later still, on a tower in the dark - the clacksmen discuss the message, and one of them wonders what Granddad feared more: the fact that dead clacksmen could send a signal, or that they couldn't.
Then immediately we get a mood-whiplash with a moment of hilarity:
Devious Collabone finished reading the message, then produced a handkerchief from his pocket and rubbed off whatever the green stuff was that was beginning to grow on the glass. It made a squeaking sound.
"Was that all right, Archchancellor?" he asked nervously. "I'm not in any trouble, am I? Only I'm very close to translating the mating call of the giant clam."
Terry's definition of Finance, which has to be read to be believed. *squee!!!*
Anyway, I've been going on and on for way too long. What about you?