[QUOTE="RathDarkblade, post: 386129, member: 7149"
I often thought that restaurant owners paying their staff so little that they have to depend on tips is rather rude.

If you own a restaurant and employ staff, you should pay them a decent wage. They're
your staff, not mine. Why are business owners allowed stiff their own staff? Being that mean won't win you any friends, neither among your staff nor among your customers.

Here in the U.S, waiters in mid-to-upscale restaurants are often paid hourly wages below minimum wage, but they can make $200-$400 per shift in tips. Obviously, tip income is much lower in bargain restaurants. Unfortunately, the margins for most restaurants are so thin that paying waiters significantly higher hourly wages would put them out of business. The main inequity in restaurants is that non-tipped cooks, and buspeople, while earning higher hourly wages than waiters, make much less in total shift income than waiters even though, arguable, their jobs are much more strenuous.
Some more enlightened restaurants require pooling of all tips, wherein waiters keep most of their own tips but a percentage is also distributed to the kitchen and serving staff. Of course, the amount of the pool is easier to track when people are paying by credit card. For cash tips, everything depends on the waiter's honesty (and memory).