(Wow! Unlucky Danny B. I thought you'd put some good points across, but you got "Trished!"
Janny honey-pie
You said that I had said the following;
I never said or implied that.
That would be making Vetinari out to be like a golem!
I loved your blue highlights, but you spectacularly failed to highlight the bit I was referring to when you implied Vetinari was like a golem!
When you say I argue like a Jesuit (PMSL
), which dictionary definition of the word "Jesuit" do you mean? There are two definitions. 8)

Janny honey-pie
You said that I had said the following;
Jan said:
"but you're wrong about Vetinari being a block of wood emotionally and/or intellectually."
That would be making Vetinari out to be like a golem!
I loved your blue highlights, but you spectacularly failed to highlight the bit I was referring to when you implied Vetinari was like a golem!
Jan said:
Vetinari in that respect is 'Golemic' because he never loses control of his emotions