SPOILERS Going Postal Discussion *Spoilers*

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Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
kakaze said:
:arrow: He never uses violence or the threat of violence.
:arrow: He only steals from banks (against whom he feels justified because he feels that the bankers cheat their customers) and people who are trying to steal from him.
:arrow: He treats his victims with respect, looking them right in the eye as he swindles them.
He does?

o_O: violence - he takes Pump with him to get the coach drivers on side - Granted self-defence on threat of violence but Pump balls his fists at one stage
o_O: only stealing from banks - He uses the glass diamond trick to get out of A-M. Those people aren't banks. He 'acquires' a sample paper from the person whose name I forget having read it only last night :rolleyes: who makes the stamps for him. True he only 'harms' Gilt (who is also not a bank strictly) but he still 'acquired' the samples just 'because'. Why? For the hell of it and because it was there unattended
o_O: Respect? A fantastic redefinition for the dictionary that. Looking someone in the eye as you rob them blind is contempt surely?

Sorry - con artist still means a thief (with brains perhaps). Style and daring are aesthetics not ethics. He's reforming out of necessity not conviction ( :twisted: ) and he still can't help himself with little acts of venal misdirection and sly little appropriations along the way. He does good almost by accident or luck than by judgment which can be viewed as attractive and charming but he can't think honestly without a huge effort.


Apr 23, 2009
Wintersville, Ohio
Moist versus Gilt.

Tonyblack said:
Moist uses ... the ghosts [because] he's changed [and can] see the consequences of using the Woodpecker.

The old Moist would have ... knocked all the towers out and destroyed them.

BUT - he realises that people might get hurt or lose their jobs and that although he'd have won, it would be much harder to get the system running again.

1 and 3 are similar...

Moist realizes stopping the Trunk and destroying the Trunk are different things.
He can stop Gilt /Trunk and still "win" only if the Trunk is restored to its proper owners.
In order to restore something worthwhile to the Dearhearts, the Trunk must earn.

Ultimately, and in opposition to how I read Reacher's name, Guilt wins.
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
Tolliver Groat...how old is He? Listening to audio and moist had a argument with Him about the delay and said some of the letters were a Hundred Years old, now Groat was a lad when it all went wrong so He must be over 100...... o_O:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
mspanners said:
Tolliver Groat...how old is He? Listening to audio and moist had a argument with Him about the delay and said some of the letters were a Hundred Years old, now Groat as a lad when it all went wrong so He must be over 100...... o_O:
No, I think that's down to the sorting engine that was producing letters from the past as well as the future.

That's really why there is so much mail there. Actually, did anyone think it a bit of a cop out that the mail got burned? o_O That way it didn't have to be delivered and the story can move on.


Jun 3, 2009
Tonyblack said:
mspanners said:
Tolliver Groat...how old is He? Listening to audio and moist had a argument with Him about the delay and said some of the letters were a Hundred Years old, now Groat as a lad when it all went wrong so He must be over 100...... o_O:
No, I think that's down to the sorting engine that was producing letters from the past as well as the future.

That's really why there is so much mail there. Actually, did anyone think it a bit of a cop out that the mail got burned? o_O That way it didn't have to be delivered and the story can move on.
Not really, the mail was getting delivered anyway. It was just a dramatic plot point that's supposed to make the reader think, "Oh, what can Most possibly do now?"


Jul 28, 2008
It had to be got rid of really, they'd be delivering it for years otherwise. But yes, whenever I'm reading it I think 'what a cop out!'

And did anyone notice that this book contains the secret to women? ;)


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
Dotsie said:
It had to be got rid of really, they'd be delivering it for years otherwise. But yes, whenever I'm reading it I think 'what a cop out!'

And did anyone notice that this book contains the secret to women? ;)
The secret to women wasn't the dancing bit, was it?

Re the letters, who's to say that all the real ones weren't delivered?
The ones that were burnt might have only been the ones from parallel universes, which couldn't have been delivered anyway.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Dotsie said:
But married men don't need it anyway :laugh:
As they're neither use nor ornament for that once the ink's dry ;)

I'm a woman (well I can remember being one once anyway :p ) and I didn't see any secret there. Just some women are silly enough to let themselves fall for someone with the 'gift of the gab' who actually likes talking to you - what Adora didn't notice was that he was mostly talking about or for himself... :twisted:

Unless you meant Moist deflecting Miss Macthingummy when she was doing the distressed maiden thing?


Jul 28, 2008
Still no :laugh:

Half the secret is that women often don't realise they're falling for it. Or it wouldn't be a very good trick.

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