SPOILERS Going Postal Discussion *Spoilers*

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
What did we think of the other characters in this book? Stanley and Mr Groat and what about the relationship between Moist and Adora Belle?

BTW - did everyone get the joke (sort of) behind Stanley's name? He was raised by peas and 'peas' is an anagram of 'apes' and for those who know anything about stamp collecting the name Stanley Gibbons will be familiar. Of course gibbons are apes although the Stanley in this book has the surname Howler, presumably as in howler monkey. :laugh:


Apr 23, 2009
Wintersville, Ohio
Tonyblack said:
What did we think of the other characters in this book? Stanley and Mr Groat and what about the relationship between Moist and Adora Belle?
Groat and his socks...did people really put sulfer in them? For ]freshness? Say it aint' so.

I got a kick out of Stanley and, yes, I got the joke. 4th reading, but hey.
Stanley and his Little Moments ... my, my.

I particularly like Mr Pump, but I like all the golems. They're so literal.
Aug 29, 2008
Bridgwater Somerset
My fav new one was Gilt, a Pirate of the financial World..wicked.... don't know if anyone else has the unabridged audio but the Mr Briggs voice as Gilt is spot on! :laugh:

Kind of like a posher and more understandable version of Depp's Pirate voice..... :eek:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Jan Van Quirm said:
chris.ph said:
the secret to women is selective deafness :laugh:
nope that's a defence mechanism and bloody rude too... and we'll just talk louder and progressively closer and repeatedly anyway :p

I quite liked Gryle - should have had more of him
I'm pretty sure that Mr Ixolite of the Fresh Start Club is described as the last Banshee, so I'm not sure where Gryle came from. And aren't Banshees traditionally female in mythology? o_O

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Well the screaming Banshees are female but I guess they have to have some males else where would they get the little Banshees from? :laugh:

He didn't scream much did he - which is consistent with male behaviour according to Chris... :twisted:

Terry's banshees are different to the Celtic ones anyway - they're more spirits or fairies. So undead perhaps in terms of Discworld evolutionary paths and perhaps Mr Ixolite now has an apprentice undead banshee and is no longer the last of the race? ;)


Apr 23, 2009
Wintersville, Ohio
Tonyblack said:
chris.ph said:
I quite liked Gryle - should have had more of him
I'm pretty sure that Mr Ixolite of the Fresh Start Club is described as the last Banshee, so I'm not sure where Gryle came from. And aren't Banshees traditionally female in mythology? o_O
Mr Ixolite first turns up in Lords & Ladies while Nanny is explaining air traffic control.
Which puts him as from the Ramtops.

Gryle is described as a "wild banshee," but from where...?

Yes, the Celtic banshees were feminine.
Bion (good) sidh (witch) is a rough translation.
They weren't feared until ~mid-17thC.

The banshee screamed to announce a death, giving time for the descendants (or soon-to-be descendants) to do all those little necessary things to make sure an evil spirit didnt' steal the soul.

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