Good bye and thank you.

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Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Yes. I read it as a suicide note. It was the words "Goodbye" that alarmed me. Lets hope that it is more towards the hare quote from ISWM and as Jan and Tony said more an affirmation about coming "through the fire". (HOW can you two NOT have devoured ISWM already???)

Welcome to the site Susan. There are alot of people here on the forum who are going through, or have been through life threatening illnesses or times of despair, pain and troubles.

The people on this forum are a hardy lot, but moreso they are a very supportive group of people too. Amazingly so.

If you don't feel up to voicing your fears openly in the forum please feel free to send a personal message to one of us if you just need an ear to listen. Pain can be a terrible thing to bear alone and as you will find quickly you aren't alone on this forum.

Or join in the crazier parts of the forum... a good laugh can divert your mind for a time and a good laugh is as good as any medicine can get when you are down. (Its hard to stay down with these nutcases on your back)

Soooooooooooo... post again if only to let us know you are okay. (We worry)

Or at the very least, tell us something about yourself. You have summed Terry's writing up very nicely.... he's an amazing observer of the lurks and quirks of everyday life huh. Hard to find a writer to match him. No idea why they knighted him.... he should be put in the stocks for ruining lesser writers for us avid readers. ;)

Where are you from? What do you like to do? More information Susan. Tell us about your art. (There are some AMAZING artists here.... ones that use pencils, paints, computers, and cameras)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Just been fooling around a lot today and I wandered over to Susan's website. She's a pretty good artist I'd say if THIS is anything to go by and, as this show takes place in July, I wish her every success with it as it does indeed fit into how aging and death need to be reassessed in western culture and therefore why she's so interested and inspired by Terry's efforts.

What Del says is quite right Susan - we hope to be celebrating Terry's continuing lifetime and works in here for a long to come still and from the way your thread title's actually couched - Good Bye and from your forthcoming show this might all be about death but it's also about what you do before you get there and the old adage it's not where you go (in life or in death come to that) but how you get there that's important ;)

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Yep - that came across loud and clear in the programme on Monday. He's just wanting to find out what his options are and in that case what's actually on offer by Dignatas. From what he's been saying in earlie interviews and programmes in the last year I think he's more or less wanting to have something like the system in Oregon in the USA, where you get legal permission and are given the drugs to use at such a time as suits you - he cites the case of someone who, with something like a 6 month survial prognosis was still alive and finding a reason to stay that way a year or more after he thought his time was up...

It is to do with choice and comfort zones in the end. What came across strongly in Monday's investigation was that Terry whilst fully respecting Andrew's decision still saw his death at 42 as a tragedy and too soon, and with Peter that he was concerned for Mrs. Smedley and her involvement. This has to be something the terminal patient craves and no one else, but Terry's still deciding what to do for himself and he can't do that without valid and pertinent information to weigh up his ultimate decision.

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