In GG, we have three similar characters, all small of body:
Errol, ugly-cute, smelly
Nobby, ugly, unwashed, and, with foreknowledge that he does have girlfriends, possibly ugly-cute
Brother Dunnykin, whom we don't actually see but who is smelly and has severe halitosis. He also is of very humble origins and insists that he might have the blood of kings, which is true, he might.
Halitosis is often referred to as "dragonbreath". Dunnykin is the closest humanoid analog of Errol.
Dunnykin is attacked by a crocodile, a dragonish creature, and may or may not have been well enough to return to the Brethren in time to be flamed. He is referred to as 'poor old Dunnykin' which may hint that he is crippled. He is not referred to by name in the last meeting.
Errol seems to be attacked but is uninjured and eventually courts and wins the dragon ex-Queen of A-M.
Nobby is looked upon kindly by Lady Sybil, who nevertheless (whew) SPOILERS ends up with the skinny, not well-washed, and tall-but-shorter-than-she-is Captain Vimes. Vimes is not described as handsome but Pete Postlethwaite could be described as homely-cute and he's the original image Sir pTerry had. Nobby, with the rest of the Watch, are attacked by the dragon but not injured. Nobby also has humble origins (despite the hints of a possible noble connection via the ring, the necklaces and the tiara). Nevertheless, Nobby doesn't marry any of his girlfriends on page (so far); he does SPOILERS most recently find himself courting a non-homo-sapiens-human female.
Does this add up to anything? Different shadings of similar characters let an author play with the possibilities. It also makes me wince at the passing thought that perhaps at one point Sir pTerry considered having Nobby marry into the nobility. Or back into the nobility, if we can believe Dragon's charts. Would Dragon falsify his own work? If he would, could any of it then be trusted? I think false genealogies are a worse crime than nonexistent ones.