Jan Van Quirm said:
......... Having been on the receiving end of rejection so long, she [Sybil] tends to look deeper and find the value and quality of the beings she's inclined to love - with Errol she hasn't given up on him just because he's a poor runt of a pedigree and so she doesn't really want to do what most [of the] fanatical of breeders would do and get him neutered or even put down. She gives him to Sam because she feels sorry for them both and perhaps she thinks they will bond - and it's her opening 'negotiations' with Sam as well of course, but also she's testing him a little as well, seeing if there's more to him and not completely trusting her instincts?
...... But Sybil's looking for something real on both sides - certainly not romance as such, because she knows she's not cut out for that. Also she's a sensibly compassionate person so she sees clearly and assesses what's important on both sides before deciding that Sam is worth the risk of falling in love with. Then she goes for it with the pink bunny dressing gown!
...... But Sybil's looking for something real on both sides - certainly not romance as such, because she knows she's not cut out for that. Also she's a sensibly compassionate person so she sees clearly and assesses what's important on both sides before deciding that Sam is worth the risk of falling in love with. Then she goes for it with the pink bunny dressing gown!
kakaze said:
As for raising the swamp dragons, I still think that he makes them too disagreeable. It's one thing to be soppy over a stray dog, or cuddle a smelly hampster, it's quite another to breed animals that are a cross between an alligator, a chemical waste dump, and a fireworks factory.
May I also remind you that this is fiction, Ankh Morpork and Pterry's written this... so lets turn this blind dragon fancy/breeding/mania thing on it's head - if we had swamp dragons, exactly as Pterry writes them in the Roundworld I guarantee you some people would go nuts over the smelly little boilers and do exactly what Sybil and her friends do - and yes most of those people would most likely be lonely but capable big-hearted women. Women can love anything - look at the fanmail serial killers get? What woman in her right mind would marry Mike Tyson despite the money? What made Diane Fossey like living a humid hellhole jungle in a war zone and commune with gorillas? It's not at all unusual, just set on the Disc, and Sybil's a charismatic stereotype - like Carrot

And remember Sybil doesn't keep her dragons in the house - she takes them in there, yes of course, but they're kept outside and I repeat - she doesn't care about the horrid smell and the mess because that's part and parcel of her obsession in the same way that she has no interest in dressing for other people just to be socially acceptable let alone attract a man - she's completely given up on that until she meets her own romantically lame duck soulmate in Sam.
Also don't forget that Errol's exceptional in that he's totally contrary to the species as a whole so perhaps you can house-train them...
As for all the misadventures, neglect and literal-minded order-taking - that's just genius and an highly accurate rendition of how things very often happen on any world where million to one chances invariably work - a completely random chain of events that result in a happy and fortunate outcome where Sam gets Sybil, Errol gets the Queen and Ankh-Morpork gets saved. That's just a great Pterry plot coming together absolutely right