"Happy" books?

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Mar 22, 2011
I've found myself to reread Discworld books a lot lately because a lot of the other stuff tends to be very depressing (I recently read Metro 2033, talk about a downer ending...) and I don't need that right now. I'm looking for the sort of books that give you a heartwarming feeling, hope for humanity and maybe some philosophical "life is great and has a purpose" arguments without being kitschy (like most in the genre "women's literature", yuck!). Of course there can be dark stuff, conflict and so on, but with a positive outlook, please. Most of what I read the past years made our world look like a hellhole.

So, does anyone have recommendations for books that do not make you wish to put a bullet to your head after finishing them?


Dec 7, 2010
The Artemis Fowl books (surprisingly adult for books meant for children), by Eoin Colfer

The first few Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy books by Douglas Adams

Flashman by George McDonald Fraser

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold, but particularly A Civil Campaign

Mogworld by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

Azumanga Daioh by Kiyohiko Azuma

These are books that will make you laugh and smile, anyway. I also found myself laughing, recently, at a fanfiction based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's called Nobody Dies. It still has much of the drama of the original Evangelion, but a sight more humour...


Mar 22, 2011
Quatermass said:
Mogworld[/i] by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw
Seriously? The guy from Zero Punctuation? That's cool.
I'll browse Amazon for the mentioned books, thanks for the suggestions.


Dec 7, 2010
Werewolf87 said:
Quatermass said:
Mogworld[/i] by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw
Seriously? The guy from Zero Punctuation? That's cool.
I'll browse Amazon for the mentioned books, thanks for the suggestions.
Yep. It's actually rather like Discworld in many respects, if Terry Pratchett wrote more vulgarly. But it's an excellent novel, and I reckon Yahtzee should stop doing Zero Punctuation (which has gone to seed IMO) and write novels instead.

Do you have a local library? It may have many of the books I mentioned.


Mar 22, 2011
You gotta be really lucky to find fantasy books in my local library, Artemis Fowl might be there but fantasy or sci-fi for adults? No way.
Some of the books mentioned are only available in English, which makes them even less likely to appear there.

I ordered Mogworld this morning though :laugh:.


Sep 3, 2010
Have you tried John Connolys recent Kids Books, The Samuel Johnson Vs the Devil series. The first one is call 'The gates of hell are opening please mind the gap' or 'The Gates' for Americans and the second is 'Hells Bells' or 'The Infernals' for americans. Really good feel good books despite the subject matter. Bloody funny and with a couple of lovable characters . Knurd is a particular favourite form the books. They are completely different from his darker adult stuff and definitely worth a look for a happy book. And he's irish so we should support him. :laugh:


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
to the site Werewolf.

Woah boy do I know what you mean!!! I love books that make me feel good and give me a laugh. My fav bok is very heavy but there are times in your life where you need the humour huh?

You mentioned "most of the books are in English". Tell us something about yourself so we CAN recommend some books. Where are you from? Male or female? Other fav authors?

If you get stuck, do what I do and read an autobiography occassionaly (one by a comedian who writes thier own shows is a hint). I just read Dawn French's Hello Fatty or something like that.

Also if you have any favourite comedy shows on TV, google the writer and see if they have written any books.

I read a book by Estelle Getty (?) from Golden Girls once while I was in hospital. I was laughing so hard they wanted to sedate me ! :( I mean REALLY! The nurse thought my giggling and laughter was some kind of reaction.... not just a good hearty laugh over a good book when I really needed some laughter. Some people have NO sense of humour!
Jul 25, 2008
pretty much everything by Tom Holt.

His books are usually set in the real world with a supernatural or mythological twist and a reluctant hero type person who's mostly normal. A fair bit of funny stuff/situations.

Currently reading Odds & Gods. Its about old gods and their retirement home. 1 in particular has his godson trying to claim power of attorney over the universe.

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