Nono, not offended, just surprised. I didn't even think of the implications.
Actually, it's pretty geeky, right? Taking a quote about a BBC America commercial with a continuity error about TNG and applying it to Hetalia to imply a pairing. It's like the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon!
So Picard is a French captain who drinks tea and, on rare occasions, wine. He speaks with a British accent, reads British literature and can sing both French and British songs.
Now, applying this to a FrUK pairing would mean that France is UK's *****.
Star Trek canon firmly establishes a planet Earth that lives in peace and total equality. A perfect world. Then this would mean that France WAS UK's ***** but that changed in the 24th century, but taking on British mannerisms and interests has since become a habit for France.
So this would mean that France have UK's sense of taste (for the most part) and would dress in less colorful clothing. His clothes would probably look exactly like a version of UK's and he'd shave his beard stubble since all the French men in Star Trek are clean shaven. He would still have the rose, the hair, and the accent but with more effort in keeping it, wavering to a British one occasionally if he isn't careful. He'd still have the same eyebrows though since that'd be a pain to make in the style of UK.
If we apply America with Star Trek rules he'd look more or less exactly the same and would have a habit of naming things after American rivers. He'd be seen with hamburgers more often because of replicators and would probably experiment and make increasingly grotesque foods. His ego would also be a lot bigger since aliens first landed in America and The Federation was headed by Americans.
We could go on and on if we turned all of the planets in the Trek universe into Hetalia characters, although Bajor would act EXACTLY like Switzerland.
We are a bunch of nerds.