Purrrrrrrrr-lease Dotsie - I always fancied coming back as a cat actually :twisted:
I had a cat like Greebo once - ginger Tom, but he'd had the brick job thankfully as he used to get into enough trouble without the hormones to urge him to record-breaking cattanova daddy. As it was he was gradually clawing his way up the food chain having murdered a garageful of gerbils, and bunnies (besides the usual mice and songbird gig which had made our garden a cruel nature 'red in tooth and claw' reserve...
) he then turned his paw to fishing and several koi made an appearance on the doorstep
THEN he graduated to squirrels and magpies
and it was only a sudden case of leukaemia to slow him down permanently before he'd have managed a small Yorkie of the canine persuasion (I didn't dare leave chocolate of any sort lying about). Luckily nobody kept any chickens where we lived then....