How did you discover Discworld/Terry Pratchett?

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I was in a bookshop in Haverstock Hill, round about 1991, looking for a book of poems by e. e. cummings for a friend. I was a fan of Neil Gaiman's 'Sandman' comics and spotted 'Good Omens' on the shelf, bought it and never looked back. I did have all the Discworld books, but they got stolen (along with all my records and CDs :cry:). I'm gradually rebuilding the complete set. My favourite is 'Thief of Time' and before that 'Wyrd Sisters' and 'Reaper Man'. I used to get strange looks on public transport for laughing out loud so much and even more so when I was waiting in A & E with a broken nose (I tried to break up a fight). His books aren't just funny though; I find them deeply human and often very moving. I've been trying to persuade my German friends to read them for years, but get the 'I don't like fantasy' response. One of them finally found a second-hand copy (I think it was 'Mort') in a charity shop about two years ago and now she's hooked too. And she's got her kids into them. I read 'The Amazing Maurice...' to my son when he was 7 and he absolutely loved it (he's fifteen now).


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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Welcome to the site, NickPretzel! :laugh:

Ah - the old 'I don't like fantasy' thing. I think a lot of us have come across that one. It usually translates as - it looks weird and I might not like it. As you point out, once someone has made that initial step, they tend to get hooked.

The books are, I think, more about satire than fantasy. it's just a case that Terry uses a fantasy world to play out his satires. Jonathan Swift did the same with Gulliver's Travels. ;)
How did you discover Discworld/Terry Pratchett

I keep trying to tell them that. Well, it's their loss. I quite agree about the satire; the fantasy is almost incidental and is really a metaphor; the humour disguises his depth and wisdom.
Thanks for the welcome, I really should have joined up long ago :oops: !
Stolen Books

Who's Wee Dug said:
Welcome to the forum, NickPretzel shame about your books though.
I try not to dwell on that, especially as there were three signed books ('Interesting Times', 'Witches Abroad' & 'The Streets of Ankh-Morpork', which was signed by Stephen Briggs as well). Those are the ones I can't replace :cry: . Oh well...
Thanks for your warm welcome everyone.


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Welcome to the forum Nick.

Yep I feal your pain .... I lost all my books too. I only have a few nowadays. Terry Pratchett of course... and just a few others. Sort of lost my heart for collecting after I lost them.

Lost books

Thank you for the sympathy deldaisy and I know what you mean. I started rebuilding the collection by getting the new ones and then the ones I particularly liked and wanted to re-read. I've got about 15 now, so only 20 odd to go! I must have bought at least four copies of 'Good Omens'. That book, in particular, seems to be cursed. I lent my first copy to my brother, when he went to St Lucia and the flat he was staying in burned down (with the book)! Another copy got destroyed when my son dropped it in the bath. That's fire and water, I'm waiting for one to get blown away and dreading the landslide that will swallow the other ;)

A couple of questions:
  • Speaking of other books, does anyone know if there is a thread about other authors they like to read? I always like book recommendations and think it might be interesting to hear from other Terry fans, as we already have that in common.
  • Do you have to post images somewhere in order to include them, or is there a way of including images from your own hard disk?
Welcome Heartsfan2

Heartsfan2 said:
Hi am new here and haven't read any Pratchett books but i guess i should?
:cool: Definitely :cool: You don't need to read them in order, though it helps, as the characters and ideas develop. The first two ('The Colour of Magic' & 'The Light Fantastic') are quite different from the rest and you may want to leave them until later as they won't give you a true picture of what they are like. Then there are several strands of stories in them (The witches, Ricewind/the wizards, the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, Death/Susan Sto-Helit &c), though some of the characters appear in several strands (most notably Death, Susan's grandfather, who appears in just about all of them). Of the early ones I would recommend 'Wyrd Sisters' (#6 and first of the witches stories, unless you count 'Sourcery'), loosely based on MacBeth, or 'Guards! Guards!' (#8 and first of the City Watch stories), or 'Reaper Man', one of my favourites (#11 and second of the Death/Susan Sto-Helit stories - the first is 'Mort' which is also available as a graphic novel). I'd also recommend 'Good Omens', co-written with Neil Gaiman (author of the Sandman graphic novels) which is not a Discworld novel, rather a spoof of 'The Omen' and very funny too.

Just out of interest, if you haven't read any Terry Pratchett, why did you sign up for this forum o_O?

Anyway, Welcome Heartsfan2, I'm a new member myself, even though I've been a fan for 20 years. Enjoy and read a Terry Pratchett book, you'll never look back :)
Re: Lost books

NickPretzel said:
A couple of questions:
  • Speaking of other books, does anyone know if there is a thread about other authors they like to read? I always like book recommendations and think it might be interesting to hear from other Terry fans, as we already have that in common.
  • Do you have to post images somewhere in order to include them, or is there a way of including images from your own hard disk?
Hey Nick, heres the two book reccomendation threads:

Closed but still readable.

Current one, started because the other went way toooo long. :laugh:

As for the imaages question, yeah you have to use Photobucket or something to host images, I wish we could do straight from hard drive. :rolleyes:
Questions, questions

Thanks for that. As it happens, I think I found the active one while trawling. God, there's so much stuff here! Thanks all the same and I'll check out the locked one too. Any other suggestions would be gratefully appreciated (at this rate I'm going to be spending half my online life here ;) .
Heartsfan2 said:
I am reading Reaper Man just now. Do you think i should continue or read some earlier work?
if you are enjoying it then carry on, it's a great book! :) When you finish it, if you like it. Try to fine the ones before and after it before going to Night Watch. Reading orders are available in each book I can post one here for you later if you like?

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