No outright naming, since I don't want to a.) start arguing with any potential fans of those writers, or b.) go too far off-topic. I'll drop a couple of hints, though.
One lady, named after a flower, who's written Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms novels amongst other stuff. One
extremely young writer of heroic fantasy. With dragons in them. A fellow who writes almost nothing except novelisations and adaptations of videogames, most notably in the Star Wars and Diablo universes (Stuff it. It's Richard A. Knaak. I've yet to encounter anyone else who's read one of his novels all the way through, anyway.). Finally, the author of a tiny series of novels that no-one has ever heard of, where a girl with a terminal lack of charisma gets stalked by a sparkly vampire 90 years her senior. Who still goes to high school. And chases sixteen year old girls. And breaks into their houses to watch them sleep. And destroys their self esteem with passive-aggresive comments, before carefully isolating them from their peer groups, just like abusive partners do. You probably haven't heard of it.