Having read through this topic I was moved to register, I've always wanted people to discuss Pratchett's works with and have as yet been unable to convince my family to read them. I'm working on it though
I can't remember who brought it up but the discussion about Carrot's character evolution between Guards! Guards! and Men At Arms, but is it known how many Discworld years passed in the time between the novels? In Guards! he's still new to the city, the watch and indeed life around humans, and very much wet behind the ears, but those in a new place often gain experience and are changed by their environment very quickly. I myself made the move from Wiltshire to Hampshire in September 08 for an apprenticeship and in the 4 months since I know I've changed significantly.
And on the subject of inconsistencies, there's one between Feet of Clay and Thud! whereby the dwarf battlebread of B'hrian Bloodaxe, which was by his side in the cave at the end of Thud!, was previously used in Feet of Clay to murder the caretaker of the dwarf bread museum (I forget his name).

I can't remember who brought it up but the discussion about Carrot's character evolution between Guards! Guards! and Men At Arms, but is it known how many Discworld years passed in the time between the novels? In Guards! he's still new to the city, the watch and indeed life around humans, and very much wet behind the ears, but those in a new place often gain experience and are changed by their environment very quickly. I myself made the move from Wiltshire to Hampshire in September 08 for an apprenticeship and in the 4 months since I know I've changed significantly.
And on the subject of inconsistencies, there's one between Feet of Clay and Thud! whereby the dwarf battlebread of B'hrian Bloodaxe, which was by his side in the cave at the end of Thud!, was previously used in Feet of Clay to murder the caretaker of the dwarf bread museum (I forget his name).