Interesting charity shop find

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Feb 19, 2010
The past week I've been on holiday and stumbled on a very nice buy at an RSPCA shop in Rothbury.There was a large box filled with Terry Pratchett audio tapes for a pound each, probably from one person's collection, there was also a black adder tape in the box.

Of the dozens that were there I bought three:The last continent,Feet of clay and Thief of time, none of which I've read.I was careful not to keep them in the car too long because as TP (or possibly NG) has taught me,cassettes left in cars for any length of time magically change into Queen albums :laugh:

I enjoyed one side of The Last Continent and got halfway through the next side when the tape got badly tangled in the machinery :cry: .Thankfully my dad is well versed in the lost art(and it is a lost art,or at least dying) of tape handling and respooled it, then he gave the witch-like advice that I should run it all the way forward and back to restore the tension.I've attempted this but I've discovered it won't wind past a certain point,probably the point where the tape came out in the first place.

I've not tried the other tapes yet but I'm looking forward to it.If they work I'll listen to some good stories and if not I'll have fun poking around with antique electronics.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sounds like a good find! :laugh: Are they the abridged tapes read by Tony Robinson?

You might want to try and manually move the tape at the point where it sticks. Use a small screwdriver or something similar. It could be that the tape has got stuck there due to something getting spilled on it and a gentle teasing might release it.

Good luck!


Feb 19, 2010
Tonyblack said:
Sounds like a good find! :laugh: Are they the abridged tapes read by Tony Robinson?
Good luck!
Yes they are Tony,

Are there any members on this forum that are likely to have been the ones who donated them?


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Maybe the original owner upgraded to the unabridged ones. :laugh:

I've got the unabridged version of Feet of Clay on tape (charity shop) as well as abridged versions of Colour of Magic, Light Fantastic and Amazing Maurice (charity shops).

But I've also got Thud! unabridged on CD (present from Sharlene) and Lords and Ladies and Wintersmith which I borrowed from the library as CDs and uploaded to my MP3 player.

The library is a good place to look for the audio books. ;)


Oct 13, 2008
Brilliant buy Unseenu, I bought The Light Fantastic, at a car boot & someone had totally wiped the tape. :( :eek: :x But the graphics on the cover are nice. :laugh:
Good tip WWD.

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