Kingfisher, T. : The Clocktaur Wars 1+ 2

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May 20, 2012
The actual titles are The Clockwork Boys and The Wonder Engine. It's a duology, though there may be some novellas later.

A thief, a Paladin, an assassin, and a cleric... no, an accountant, a demon-possessed demon-hunter, a killer and a librarian... well, four people anyway, three with carnivorous tattoos that keep them on the job, and a fourth who volunteered out of compassion, are sent to stop the continual production of unstoppable destructive monsters.
There are demons, there is hubris, there is a bit of romance, and fighting, and no, it is not just another DnD book.

There is deep consideration of emotions and motives.
There are gnoles.

T.Kingfisher is Ursula Vernon. She wrote Digger.
Likes: Tonyblack
May 20, 2012
Trust me, this one is not just a DnD story. It's sad that the game has made it almost impossible to have a motley group of characters get together without risking that accusation. It's in her Paladin series universe, and it's a corker.

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