Kirby or Kidby (or even Player)?

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Who's your favourite Discworld cover artist?

  • Josh Kirby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paul Kidby

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Stephen Player

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None of the above, I prefer a different cover format

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Feb 21, 2011
Put simply, which of the Discworld cover artists do you like best? Personally, I was always drawn to the series by Josh Kirby's anarchic art style, the way you could spend ages just trying to figure out what the heck was going on in them and the vivid use of colour - I'd always look at the books in the shops years before I actually read one. I've never really warmed to Kidby or Player's art so much though both are hugely talented (and probably a lot more accurate to the text). They just seem a lot more conventional in their art style.

And I have no time for those minimalistic covers with the black background or the rubbish American ones! :p


Sep 3, 2010
Have to go with Kidby.
Just think he captured the stories and subtleties better than kirby.
I also think the covers appeal to a wider audience :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I'm actually leaning more towards the French covers. I've never liked the Kirby covers and, although I think the Kidby covers are very good, what I don't like is their realism. The character images are likely to influence my perception of what the characters should look like.

I know people rubbish the American covers, but generally speaking, I don't mind them too much. It's the story inside that I'm really interested in.

If the British covers came with the artwork by the French illustrator, Marc Simonetti, then I'd be perfectly happy with them. :laugh:


Sep 3, 2010
Tonyblack said:
meerkat said:
I like the black covers. Um...cos I do! :laugh: ;)
Yes, I like the black covers as well. :laugh:

I went for the black cover option when I bought the Harry Potter books. ;)
got bought versions for the HP hardbacks. I liked both. Got a two sided advert poster with the black coevr and childrens cover on opposite sides for deathly hollows, half blood prince and order of the phoenix so can change em depending on my mood :laugh:
I do like the french covers though Tony. good point :laugh:
Feb 21, 2011
Tonyblack said:
If the British covers came with the artwork by the French illustrator, Marc Simonetti, then I'd be perfectly happy with them. :laugh:
Hmm, I hadn't actually seen his work before, but a quick google search reveals all. His work has more of the wackiness that Kidby lacks, but I still don't think I'd rate him as high as Kirby.

Jan Van Quirm

Nov 7, 2008
Dunheved, Kernow
Definitely Marc Simonetti these days - Josh was brilliant but Discworld was moving on when he died and so he's firmly ensconced in the past now when the magic was still wild and anarchic and we all, including Terry were exploring Discworld for ourselves.

I like Paul's work and Stephen Player's too, very much (my Great A'tuin coffee table, like the forum turtle is based on the latter's work), but the difference is that they're both highly illustrative rather than interpretive and it's that which makes the difference and gives out the edge of spontaneity and 'edginess' that Discworld demands. Terry himself once said that Josh's visuals brought his words to life in an unexpected and highly apt manner and it's that element of creative challenge that marks the departure from faithful and thoughtful illustration to true artistic high adventure and Marc/Kemar, like Josh has that gift.

It's going the extra mile in other words - the unexpected fillips like the shadows of the evaporated thieves on the wall in Guards! Guards! and the auditors' 'wrong' skeletal horse for their replacement Death in Reaperman that make all the difference to the imagery and the spirit of the story rather than painstaking accuracy to the telling of the tale and screams out from Marc's 'loose' and almost freeform brushstrokes that are about impression as well as expression that brings out the subtleties. Josh's work had that same fluidity and 'bursting out' vividness, but his approach was more brash and manic - 'in your face' style which suited the early Discworld in a gutsy, raw way that Paul and Stephen have refined and pared down to some extent so it becomes more recognisable and real to the point where it's, not lost the energy so much as put it under constraint somehow? Marc has let the wildness break out again and whilst he's not always successful (The Truth cover work seems rather tame for instance) there's always something there that will scream out at you that's so 'right' even if you didn't 'get' that nuance in your reading - there's more to illustration than the detail in other words. You need to spill the guts of it to capture a truly original spirit as well... ;)


Jul 15, 2011
I'm not lucky enough to see the European versions in my bookstores, but I love Paul's art. Oh, yes. Josh's actually used to put me off when I was younger. I remember walking the shelves of my high school library and seeing those almost grotesque covers and think, 'What the Underworld is that all about?' I don't mind them as much now, and they're certainly more interesting than the American editions. You can stare at Josh's for hours trying to work out what's going on and I do like how he draws Angua. But I adore Kidby's 'Making Money' cover with Moist on the dollar note and the Lavishes all shadows behind him, but have instead after an internet order the one with the lime background and the top hat with the money flying out of it. (But the latter has much better typeset in my opinion, so there we go...) I also love his parody of the painting Night Watch for, er, 'Night Watch'.

Oh. I also love the black covers. I don't actually know what '(Guards!)x2' looks like as Kirby or Kidby or anything else.


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Hmmm. I'm not overly impressed by Simonetti. He makes nearly every character a grotesque of some sort, with pointed ears and big noses. Kirby does a lot of the same, but at least his covers have a nice comic energy to them. Simonetti's are just depressing.

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