Sybil the vigilante is one thing but they are also mentioning that Cheery is non-binary, looking for an identity and ostracised by the dwarves, carcer was wronged and is on a mission of revenge against an unjust reality and Angua is the one training Carrot now.
None of this sits right with me.
I agree. Angua is training Carrot? Carcer is on a mission of vengeance? Cheery is ostracised by the dwarves? Unless they mean the grags, I'm confused.
And where are Nobby and Colon in all this? And where is the Dragon (the big one, not King of Arms)?
Oh, wait ... now it makes sense:
“The Watch will be a very BBC America show... we don’t go straight at an adaptation – we blur genres, undercut with humor, and hire the most genius writers and actors to create stories and characters that are both entertaining and very contemporary, that say something new...
The script ... is like nothing I have ever read before. It’s anarchic, it’s noisy and raspy ...
In other words, complete tosh.
Why why
WHY do people feel they have to mess about with the books? If you're going to do G!G!, do G!G!. The character of the dragon is one of the best things in Terry's early writing (and IMO, one of the best things he wrote, period). It's not just a run-of-the-mill dragon; it has perception, depth. It argues morality with Lupine Wonse - and wins.
And where are the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night? I'm confused.
On the other hand, since they have a Carcer, obviously they're going for a Night Watch. In that case, Cheery, Angua, Carrot and the rest have a very marginal role - so why announce them with so much fanfare?
Much better, I feel, to stick to the script and start with G!G!. Then, at least, you know you have a dedicated core of Discworld fans who will watch it, no matter what you do - and then you build your fanbase up from there. Instead of which, it looks like we're getting a mishmash of characters who do ... what, exactly? It doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
Please feel free to elucidate if you know any more about this plot ... I'm confused!