Least favourite Discworld book

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Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
Ezekiel000 said:
My least favourites are Lords And Ladies & Carpe Jugulum.
As I'm not comfortable with mind manipulation, which is a shame as Agnes Nitt is one of my favourite characters.
These are actually two of my favourites! :O

Lords and Ladies was one of my first Pratchett novels, and Carpe Jugulum was great because it really used Agnes Nitt as a character, with the Vampire twist.

Its the same case with Lords and Ladies with Magrat Garlick, for some reason I liked the younger witches.
It's a shame I haven't read Maskerade. Agnes turned from a wannabe but interesting side character into a full blown main character in one book which I did not read.

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
my least favourite out of the ones I've read would have to be Equal Rites. It was the first Granny Weatherwax book and was based on the touching subject of gender inequality, but really was not as funny as the other ones I have read so far. It is also the oldest Terry Pratchett book ive read but not the first.

This spell checker doesn't like 'I've'.

Cool Middle Name

Apr 2, 2011
Cardiff, Wales
Werewolf87 said:
Making Money, plain and simple. Mainly because I could never warm up to Moist.
And there is The Truth which I never even finished reading. But that was some years ago, I might give it another try.
The truth had a rather strange, hilarious ending.

*will not say more*
Jul 27, 2008
Stirlingshire, Scotland
I like among C.O.M. as it was my 1st many years ago, and as times passes and with rereading the Wee Free Men is catching up fast I would say in the top three. I'm not a big fan of small gods I don't dislike it as such but in no hurry to read it again.


Apr 27, 2011
I don't think I've read enough (5) to have a 'least fave' at present but...
I was sat on the train happily reading Thud not so long ago. When the chap sat opposite me got up to get off at his stop, he leaned over and said "It's a bit rubbish" then walked off, out the door, just like that.
I was fuming! Not even a chance to reply! I did notice him craning his neck to see which TP I was reading but at surely he could have said "thats my least favourite". None of his books are even a little 'bit rubbish', are they? Who made him judge and jury?! Sorry rant over. Just saw thread title and it reminded me!


Sep 3, 2010
Siren said:
I don't think I've read enough (5) to have a 'least fave' at present but...
I was sat on the train happily reading Thud not so long ago. When the chap sat opposite me got up to get off at his stop, he leaned over and said "It's a bit rubbish" then walked off, out the door, just like that.
I was fuming! Not even a chance to reply! I did notice him craning his neck to see which TP I was reading but at least he could have said "thats my least favourite". None of his books are even a little 'bit rubbish' are they? Who made him judge and jury?! Sorry rant over. Just saw thread title and it reminded me!
Spoiler alert from that sod. Its unfair to say that as it can ruin your read. Always best to let someone make up your own mind.
There's also those who label anything fantasy as rubbish and its best to ignore them as well. :laugh:
Personally i like Thud :laugh: I won't say which books i least love so you can have the fun of reading them fresh :laugh:
Lucky sod with so many unread books ahead of you :laugh:


None of his books are rubbish?
Well, lemme put it like this: There is NO author, actor, composer, in general creator of things out there who did not have one or two failures in his/her portfolio. Don't know which books you read so far, but even discworld has some groan-and-threw-it-into-the-corner-worthy ones *coughsunseenacademicalcough*
The majority makes up for it though...


Apr 27, 2011
I see where you're coming from LilMaibe but I still don't really think you can sum up any of his works as 'Rubbish'. It just seems overly flippant. Also, like with sooooo many people, when he said 'It is rubbish' he really should have added a 'imo'. (Or even an imho, haha). Sorry, it just gets my goat when people jump to be overly critical purely to try and make themselves sound 'old hand'.


Jul 28, 2008
If we all behaved that badly, readers of Dan Brown would get no peace. He just wanted to let you know he'd read something you hadn't, and he was too clever to like it.

Tool :rolleyes:


Siren said:
I see where you're coming from LilMaibe but I still don't really think you can sum up any of his works as 'Rubbish'. It just seems overly flippant. Also, like with sooooo many people, when he said 'It is rubbish' he really should have added a 'imo'. (Or even an imho, haha). Sorry, it just gets my goat when people jump to be overly critical purely to try and make themselves sound 'old hand'.
The counterexample, though, is just as worse:
People saying a creator of something can't do wrong.
(This often gets hand in hand with people throwing the phrase -you just don't get it- at people who are critical towards a work)


Jul 28, 2008
BUT the thing about Pratchett is that he has many fans, but they all have their own favourites. I liked UA. I didn't like Soul Music, or Last Continent. But others do. So obviously they're not rubbish - I just didn't like them.

Also, to call someone's choice of reading matter rubbish is just rude.

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