Re: Wow
It's a fair comment about Granny, but this was Granny how she first appeared. She's changed over the series so this was a prototype. It is a little hard to take after reading the later books. 
CJDobs said:
My least favourite DW novel? Equal Rites. Surprising given it features my favourite character - but she was a very different Esme back then
Monstrous Regiment was hard to like as well, I think it was an abomination to Nuggan . . . .
Love all the rest passionately - especially Maskerade, Carpe Jugulum, Jingo, Night Watch, Interesting Times, Thief of Time . . gagh I may as well just list the back catalogue!
Monstrous Regiment was hard to like as well, I think it was an abomination to Nuggan . . . .
Love all the rest passionately - especially Maskerade, Carpe Jugulum, Jingo, Night Watch, Interesting Times, Thief of Time . . gagh I may as well just list the back catalogue!