Least favourite Discworld book

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Sarah, you're not alone.

I find the Rincewind books to be the least interesting of all the DW books, and The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic to be among the least impressive DW books. He's never developed into anything more than a two-joke character, a basic "straight man" playing off the fantasy novel parodies of other characters brought in as his foils. Pterry also seems to have outgrown him as well as there hasn't been a dedicated Rincewind novel since "The Lost Continent."



Nov 23, 2010
I have just read Eric, and I loved it. Rincewind grows on me. It's a cruel question......let me see.....I think maybe Good Omens. I'm not a huge fan of Gaiman.


Jan 11, 2010
Weert, The Netherlands


Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
Just discovered this thread OMG!! There's actually other things to talk about than in the Broken Drum!!

Anyway, having read every post in this thread the one thing that stands out like the proverbial is what a clever author TP is! He has written a book for everyone to have an opinion about and introduced characters that everyone loves/hates. Some think that Rincewind is the funniest person in fiction others can't abide him. For my part I see him as just an element of the rich tapestry that is the Terry Pratchett legacy.

Having said that I do have a couple of observations. It's not hard to dislike Strata, Pyramids and the Dark Side Of The Sun as they are not really Discworld novels. Likewise, if you loved the DW scenario then you may be a little adverse to books that do not deal with that genre such as the Tiffany trilogy or Nation.

TP often makes me laugh out loud for a few minutes, giggle uncontrollably for some hours and make me smile for days. Sometimes just over a single paragraph.
Foe example the parrot in Eric "wossname, wossname, wossname" just cracked me up.
Gaspode's sarcasm to Laddie in Moving Pictures still makes me smile as I type this.
The fate of the 'willow pattern' painter in Interesting times was hilarious.
Nanny Ogg's irritating calmness while in the Dukes castle cell in Wyrd Sisters.
The Feegles sorting out the pussy cat in Wee Free Men was hysterically funny.
What didn't make me laugh at all was Outrageous Regiment which was bereft of humour and had a very obvious finale.
Nation is a staggeringly brilliant book that should never be judged against any other DW novel.


Sep 13, 2009
NOT The land of the risen Son!!
btlfannz said:
Having said that I do have a couple of observations. It's not hard to dislike Strata, Pyramids and the Dark Side Of The Sun as they are not really Discworld novels.
Mad as a bucket of sheep! :laugh:

I could have sworn Pyramids took place on Discworld, with half of it taking place in Ankh-Morpork. o_O
Maybe I'm wrong. o_O I'd better go and read it again. o_O


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
DaveC said:
I don't understand when some people talk about Nation as if its a Discworld novel. It isn't is it? Not missing anything am I? Pyramids, though, is very Discworld and very good.
No, Nation isn't a Discworld book. But it really is well worth reading. And yes, Pyramids is Discworld. I've always enjoyed the bit in the Assassins' Guild. ;)
Tonyblack said:
DaveC said:
I don't understand when some people talk about Nation as if its a Discworld novel. It isn't is it? Not missing anything am I? Pyramids, though, is very Discworld and very good.
No, Nation isn't a Discworld book. But it really is well worth reading. And yes, Pyramids is Discworld. I've always enjoyed the bit in the Assassins' Guild. ;)
I will of course read Nation after the Discworlds. The in only question is which I start with, I read the DWs chronologically so I will probably read the non-DWs like that too, meaning Nation will be at the back of the pack with Carpet People at the front.


Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Geez, it's been a long time since I read it and I forgot OK? One bloody mistake around here and suddenly I'm as mad as a bucket of sheep.

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