Listening to Discworld Novels

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sister Jennifer said:
I have messed up completely trying to order DW audio cd's online. Man oh man.

The unabridged ones are very expensive.
Yes, but you get something like nine CDs with the unabridged ones. Check out your local library, they sometimes do them there. :)
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
Not-as-big-medium-size-jock-but-bigger-than-wee-jock jock always gets me. still think that only exists to screw with stephen. :laugh:

Celia also read Equal rights. I dunno, I listened to them in order the first time so her books didn't bother me (i even liked the little touch of still having Nigel voice DEATH in her books). I thought that was going to be a running thing with her voicing female character driven stories and Nigel doing Male character stories but they dropped her after two books.

Thats ok, though. i always did like Nigel's Nanny Ogg best.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Bouncy Castle said:
OK folks.

What would you recommend to me as my first toe-dip into DW audio?

I'm a virgin, you see.
Go for something like Guards! Guards!

My first was Thud! Which Harper Collins had given to Sharlene when she had the book store and she passed onto me.

I also heard Feet of Clay, as I found the unabridged version on cassette tapes in a charity shop for £1. I have also borrowed Wintersmith and Lords and Ladies (the latter read by Nigel Planer) from the library.

Something bizzare happened to the CDs when I played them on my computer and they got turned into MP3 files . . . :whistle:


Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Bouncy Castle said:
OK folks.

What would you recommend to me as my first toe-dip into DW audio?

I'm a virgin, you see.
You probably should start with the book or books you like the most, I would think. Since The Fifth Elephant is my favorite book, I started with that one and then went on to get everything else ready by Stephen Briggs, and the selected a few other favorites read by Nigel Planer. The only reader I can't stand is Celia whatsername, who reads "Wyrd Sisters." She's just awful.

Tonyblack said:
I also heard Feet of Clay, as I found the unabridged version on cassette tapes in a charity shop for £1. I have also borrowed Wintersmith and Lords and Ladies (the latter read by Nigel Planer) from the library.

Something bizzare happened to the CDs when I played them on my computer and they got turned into MP3 files . . . :whistle:
What a coincidence! I can't tell you how many times that's happened with me as well ! :laugh:
Oct 13, 2008
They obviously have to pay the people who read the books a vast amount of money to do it. It must take them a long time.

I have several audio books, CD's, unabridged versions by Anne McCaffrey bought at a reasonable price, but I guess TP is more popular so his are more expensive.
Oct 13, 2008
Bouncy Castle said:

Perhaps I'm turning into a Tight Git? :rolleyes:
I don't think you are, because no way would I spend the money they ask for Terry's audio books either. :clap:

PS If you want Equal Rites with Tony Robinson, abridged, I have a spare, unopened, I didn't know I already had it. It's yours for what I paid. £5 plus post.

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