Hi, I'm new to the forum, its headge, or claire or whatever comes to your prefrontal cortex. I will prattle on as I want to get this off my chest.
I agree that the telegraph is being close-minded, if the writer thinks that liking books that can make you feel so happy is wrong; then I'm not surprised his writing is so abismal and moody.
I'm a physicist, and so far as I can figure out, alzimers is hereditary, my nanna and great-nanna had it and it destroyed them and thurned them both into vegetables, though theirs was centred around memory and how to do tasks, like boiling an egg, eating, who my parents were, and eventually, who I was. My mum is showing the signs, she knows it and works in a doctors; for the minute she is ignoring the fact. Nothing seemed to stop it, and at the time there was no hope, it was already way too advanced, as it only became noticed when my grandad died.
I have dyslexia by the way, so spellig may be iffy.
I feel that if there is a breakthrough, then everyone should be tested. I worked in a chemist for over 4 years, and I found out that you have a two week window in which to start aricept. Before that and you're not classed as serious enough for it to be cost effective (roughly £30 a box), and after that, you were too far gone for it to be of help. I was ashamed of the NHS when I found out that one of our patients I was close to, was being destroyed by her husbands anger at his forgetfulness and unhesitating belief that everything was her fault. He had just missed the two week window. Her only hope was that he would turn into a vegetable sooner rather than later, as he was telling the family and friends things like she was trying to kill him, because he'd forgotten he'd already taken his tablets.
I wish that peple could be saved from this grief, because it's not just the loved ones, but seeing the terror in their eyes when they realise they don't know who their daughter, son, husband, or any relation is, is excrutiating. They are alone, and don't know what to do. The only relief is when they don't know how to think anymore, and the body shuts down. My nanna had once last instance of coherance before she died, she spoke to my dad, who she had not recognised for nearly a year, then as he went out of the room, she let go.
As Terrys friends said on the program, one day, the three of them will go out somewhere, then later the two of them will go to the pub, it may save him from the terror. I want to hug Terry and tell him it'll be better, many more books will be written before that inevitable fate happpens, with at least 15 years more of happiness. I heard something coming through the pipeline just before I left the chemist. A new drug, avaliable to anyone proven positive at any stage; only problem is, it may be too late. The 5years it takes to legalise it may be too long.
I say keep on writing, take joy in everything, have passion with a fire in your beliefs, get many cuddles; as it has been proven to make you happier than almost anything else, and have a good soft boiled 'chuckie' egg with soldiers, because that many nutrients can't be wrong, especially when cooked by your favourite nanna.