Looking for a really funny show. Suggestions?

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Oct 10, 2009
raisindot said:
Noticed you're in Italy, so not sure how fluent you are in English, or how much access you have to American shows (or how far back you want to go), but:

If I were recommending pure funny American shows, I'd start with the first five seasons of The Simpsons or South Park. Most other American shows don't translate quite as well or have as much lasting power (when I watch Seinfeld or Friends today, I find myself wondering why I found them so funny back then).
I watched all Friends seasons in English without problems, and saw The Simpsons in italian on TV 'cause my bf loves it, by frankly I didn't like South Park. I've also already watched Seinfeld on italian TV.
Oct 10, 2009
Oh my goodness, I just saw Blackadder 1 ... I don't think that Blackadder 2 will actually be a continuation, will it? They just kept the names and the actor, and made a whole new show that has nothing to do with the first, didn't they? Oh well, anyway I quite liked the first series, especially the Queen, even if she had a little part. Will see the second series soon.


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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
It's a sort of history of the Blackadder family. The next series (series 2) he is a courtier to Queen Elizabeth 1. Series 3 he is the manservant of the Prince Regent at the time of King George 3 (the mad one :laugh: ) and series 4 he is an officer during WW1.

Baldrick is a lot more intelligent in series 1. He goes rapidly downhill after that. :laugh:


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia

You want youtube comedies to watch..... AT WORK???? :eek: :eek:

Forget the recommendations for the comedy shows.... what the hell job do you have???? :eek: :eek:

and do they have a vacancy?
Oct 10, 2009
deldaisy said:

You want youtube comedies to watch..... AT WORK???? :eek: :eek:

Forget the recommendations for the comedy shows.... what the hell job do you have???? :eek: :eek:

and do they have a vacancy?
ok, you seem to be on the wrong track here, 'cause I can assure you it's not all that funny here.
I run a newspaper shop or however it's called in English, which means that from 7.30 am to 6.40pm if I have to take the bus, or 7.30 pm if my bf drives me home, I'm stuck in this shop by myself.
I'm not on the internet all day, I just download what I want to see, then watch it when I have time (and it takes some time because from time to time I get interrupted, unfortunately not as often as I'd hope) and then delete the whole thing 'cause it takes a lot of space.
and I live in the dullest place on earth, and I live in Italy, and blablabla a lot of boring stuff you don't want to know, I need something to distract me!!

Any other suggestions will be appreciated and go on my list, since it looks like I'll be here for quite some time :p


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
HOW can anywhere in Italy be boriing????? o_O ;)

It seems you are enjoying Black Adder... it only gets better and better.

Black Books IS good too. Ohhhhhhhh so many great shows! I am trying to gauge what humour you like.... me? I love all sorts at different times so its hard to come up with a suggestion.... and you KNOW what its like... you see a GREAT show on TV and tell EVERYONE how great it is and they see the only UNfunny episode ever put to air and they go.... hmmmm. And some of my suggestions are Australian and I am never sure how they translate overseas.... (Kath and Kim, Summer Heights High, We Can Be Heroes)

If a whole episode of anything is hard try little skits on youtube.

Sometimes I watch a link to a comedy sketch recommended on here and end up spending hours watching OTHER skits by the same comedian on youtube.... and that way you can bounce around for ages without having to watch a whole show.

So try "Tommy Cooper"... he's always good for a quick laugh... any of the "Monty Python" skits..... Just pick a comedian you like and hit youtube.


Dec 7, 2010
Okay, so, where do I begin?

The League of Gentlemen and Bottom may not be safe for you to download at work. However, if you can get them at home, you might like them. People have already recommended Fawlty Towers, Red Dwarf, Black Books, and Blackadder. I'll add The Young Ones and The Big Bang Theory to that list.
Oct 10, 2009
deldaisy said:
HOW can anywhere in Italy be boriing????? o_O ;)
... it can ...
It seems you are enjoying Black Adder... it only gets better and better.
oh good, I have the second series with italian subtitles too, which is good 'cause if in the first season I had problems understanding Rowan Atkinson, I saw from the titles that there's Stephen Fry in this one, and I have problems with him too.. :rolleyes:
Black Books IS good too. Ohhhhhhhh so many great shows! I am trying to gauge what humour you like.... me? I love all sorts at different times so its hard to come up with a suggestion.... and you KNOW what its like... you see a GREAT show on TV and tell EVERYONE how great it is and they see the only UNfunny episode ever put to air and they go.... hmmmm. And some of my suggestions are Australian and I am never sure how they translate overseas.... (Kath and Kim, Summer Heights High, We Can Be Heroes)
Sometimes I watch a link to a comedy sketch recommended on here and end up spending hours watching OTHER skits by the same comedian on youtube.... and that way you can bounce around for ages without having to watch a whole show.
I do that too, I just need a few points of start, like those who you all just gave me, and there I start, and when I find someone I like there I go with my own search. ;)
Oct 10, 2009
deldaisy said:
And some of my suggestions are Australian and I am never sure how they translate overseas.... (Kath and Kim, We Can Be Heroes)
I can't watch Kath and Kim because are two names and if I write names on youtube I just get a lot of videos of little girls or something like that.
We Can Be Heroes... is it the one I found with Chris Lilley playing all the roles in a fake competition? If it is, I have to say it is about one of the strangest thing I've ever seen :laugh: how can he play an arrogant man, a hot girl, a weird housewife... I've seen two episodes of that, is it long?


Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Chris Lilley is amazing. He plays everything from teen girls to middle aged housewifes, to a Chinese physic student being an aborigine on stage :laugh:

The series "we can be heros" is a send up of the national yearly "Australian of the Year" awards we have here. Someone gets nominated then the commitee investigates WHY they should be Australian of the year in quite a few catagories. Its six episodes. Its a limited series as are all of Chris Lilley's.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Can_Be_ ... f_the_Year

Kath & Kim is about a mother and daughter in suburban Australia. (Thrown in are Kaths husband Kel, Kim husband (ex) Brett, and Kim's best friend basketball player Sharon) Some of their catchphrases are ingrained in our vocabulary. :laugh: (Noiiiiice. Its different, its unusual.... yeah. Look at moi... look at moi!) International artists all fought to get an invite to appear on the show (Michael Buble, Kylie Minogue).

Don't watch the American version. It was rubbish and was stopped thankfully a few episodes in.



Oct 1, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Oh .... and French and Saunders :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thats a MUST!

We did this sketch way way back in a comedy show.... so I knew the routine..... I actually gave this talk to my daughter when she was a teen :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (its okay... she HAS a sense of humour).

I was reminded of this one on the weekend when I heard noises coming from my bedroom when I had the now 24yr old over for the oil riggers UNbirthday. I walked into my room and found the daughter with one of my hardback DW books!!!!! BASHING AND BASHING AND BASHING it on the bedroom floor :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ... when the oil rigger and her boyfriend came up to see what was going on she looked up and said,, "Just making sure Mum doesn't get pregnant! Always practise safe sex she told me!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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