Making Money

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, MA USA
Tonyblack said:
I thought it said the cook was allergic to garlic - a bit like a pilot with a fear of flying or a surgeon who couldn't stand the sight of blood. This guy had got around that by cooking for dogs who probably aren't interested in garlic.
I thought the cook was a closet vampire, or that Pterry used him to suggest the suspicion of him being a vampire. He creates the same suspicion with Mr. Bent--doesn't wotzername wear a garlic necklace when she first visits his room? Indeed, if you really think about it,. the whole theme of things long buried and 'undead' emerging into the light runs through the book, from the long-buried golems to the long-dead necromancy professor and his knowledge of the ancient and largely forgotten Umnian civilization and language to the long-suppressed "truths" about Moist and Mr. Gent. And why does Vetinari want Moist to revamp the banking system? So he can get funding to uncover and develop the 'understructure' that was buried beneath Ankh Morpork's streets until the dwarves uncovered them--in a project Vetinari refers to as "the undertaking."


Might have been the german translation but I was under the impression Mr Bent was the only one who ever got suspected of being a vampire. Okay, perhaps the cook was fed up with mr bent constantly ordering garlic, but that's just speculation.

And wasn't the undertaking using the old channels/streets every assassin knew about, just clean them out? (see -men at arms-)
Jan 13, 2012
South florida, US
The Undertaking was using the dwarf mine from thud. the mine was spread throughout the city and the dwarves had even laid rails. but i think only Dr. Cruses knew about the Via Cloaca, Until Detritus and Cuddy fell into it. i haven't heard mention of it since though.

and yeah, Mr Bent was the only one who was mistaken for a vamp. gets in before dawn, leaves after dark, anal about numbers, tall, thin, lives at Mrs Cake's, etc etc.

raisindot said:
it suffers from a plot that recycles too many of the plot devices Pterry used to far better effect in Going Postal. The Lavishes aren't particularly compelling villains, and certainly don't hold a candle to Reacher Gilt.
So, you are complaining that it copies GP, but then complain that it doesn't?

Personally i think the base similarities was the whole point. Vetinari WANTED moist to do what he did in GP. he wanted the banking system to be redone, he wanted paper money like the Agetians, he even kept pushing moist toward it. talking about how they were so light, that they were a defacto currency. he mentions this both in GP and again at the begining of MM. there is an internal logic to it all.

Honestly though the similarities are superficial. they really aren't the same books.


Well, it's been a while since I had a chance to start reading thud (from the library and didn't manage to finish. same problem with snuff atm) since then I have not been able to get my hands on it and ordering books at the loval store is hell, especially when it comes to english ones.

The thing with the it copies GP/it doesn't copy GP is an odd one:
It uses the same arch-plot, base-conflict and plotmoves as GP while having a villain that isn't that much of a threat, or at least when compared to GP.
Think of some movie-sequels that basically recycle the plot of a succesful first movie, but all the great actors are gone and all of a sudden the problem the heroes facing should/could/would be solved within the first 10 minutes if the new characters would have half the skills of the original ones.
That is what MM feels like.


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City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
raptornx01 said:
The Undertaking was using the dwarf mine from thud. the mine was spread throughout the city and the dwarves had even laid rails. but i think only Dr. Cruses knew about the Via Cloaca, Until Detritus and Cuddy fell into it. i haven't heard mention of it since though.
Via Cloaca - an early example of Terry using a poo joke. :laugh:


Tonyblack said:
raptornx01 said:
The Undertaking was using the dwarf mine from thud. the mine was spread throughout the city and the dwarves had even laid rails. but i think only Dr. Cruses knew about the Via Cloaca, Until Detritus and Cuddy fell into it. i haven't heard mention of it since though.
Via Cloaca - an early example of Terry using a poo joke. :laugh:
Tony, shame on you :geek:


Feb 29, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I loved the clown thing at the end though when you were expecting a vampire. A fun read, but not as good as Going Postal. I liked the old lady who left him the money too. And the dog of course, Pratchett is always better when he throws in a few animals.

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