No probs, high eight. I'm always interested in history and mythology, no matter where it comes from.
To be honest, I couldn't care less what Mark thinks of TLC. I live in Australia and I pissed myself laughing (not literally, of course!) while reading TLC. :twisted:
I also couldn't care less what Mark thinks of Discworld. I've given up on that knob as long time ago as
Sigh... I know that not all Americans may understand UK culture, idioms, expressions etc., and that's fine. I'm an Aussie and I've studied UK history, geography, literature, and language for over 10 years, and I still don't know
everything about the UK, which is what makes it interesting.

But to then turn around and say that Terry is racist, well...
I remember reading that someone - I don't remember who - once said that there were two types of people. One type doesn't "get" you, and would say, "I don't understand this person. What's wrong with me?"
And the other type doesn't "get" you, and would say, "I don't understand this person. What's wrong with him?"