Mark Reads Discworld

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The Mad Collector

Sep 1, 2010
Ironbridge UK
I just assumed that all the American versions had the same changes and let the alteration pass, that's interesting that the Signet paperbacks have the English text.

Does anyone have the US text kindle editions to have a quick check to see if it really says that or if Mark changed it himself? He did stumble over his reading of that line so it's possible he altered it accidentally (he read crisps, stumbled and then when getting going again said potato chips as that is the way he would normally refer to them)
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
You know, this has become something of a revelation for me. Often when I'm reading I'm racing through the story because I want to know what happens next, and it becomes something of a habit so even when re-reading and I know what happens next I still blast through the book at break neck speed... having it read out loud slows the process down and I'm finding I'm visualising the story so much more, the characters, the locations and action, and appreciating the scope of TP's imagination to a greater degree than ever before. And of course watching Mark come to it all for the first time you can share his enjoyment vicariously - which I guess is his whole thing - and it's almost like reading it yourself for the first time again. Almost.

I forgot the Ice Giants were in Sourcery - indeed: I was not prepared Wyrd Sisters next. Really looking forward to Mark meeting Nanny Ogg, wonder what he'll make of her... I can't remember, was Nanny fully realised in the first one or did she have to develop over the course of the Witches books... guess i'm gonna find out next week. :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I agree, Mongo. :) If someone had asked me where I would place Sourcery in my list of Discworld books, I'd have probably said it would be low down. But this reminded me of the first time I read it - way back in 1988 (Gods! Was it really so long ago? :eek: ) The experience of rereading through someone new to the books, is a real joy.

Nanny was pretty much fully formed in Wyrd Sisters, if I remember correctly. And Greebo was in there from the start too.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
The first three parts of Wyrd Sisters. :laugh:

This is such fun to watch through another person's eyes. The scene with the witches at the theatre is still just as funny.

Nov 25, 2010
London UK
Nanny doesn't have much in the first part but I found it interesting to note that how we have two new witches, Magrat being the focus and of course Granny we know, but Nanny is just sort of there. It's her first appearance but she doesn't make an entrance as such, just sidles in and sits herself down. And how like Nanny that is and what a perfect foil for Granny - she's like the anti-Spock to Granny's anti-Kirk - if there's any problems they can't solve between them then the Disc is in big trouble! Anyway I thought Mark was immediately comfortable with Nanny, and by the time they got to the 'theatre' knew just what to expect from her.
Nov 25, 2010
London UK
Just struck me that the three gifts the witches gave Tom John are precisely suited to a great actor - good memory, so he remembers his lines - make friends easily, make good connection with the audience - be whoever he wants to be, be able to inhabit the role he's playing... just a thought, can't remember if it's remarked later in the book.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
The Mad Collector said:
I've not been able to get to the Mark reads site for a long time as my antivirus software won't let me
I have to select "Temporarily disable AVG" so that I can get on the site. But all his videos are posted on YouTube as well. He alternately posts two or three videos on a Sunday morning that then get posted on his site during the week.


Dec 29, 2009
Really enjoying his reading of 'Wyrd Sisters' and his reactions to various puns and Shakespeare references (waiting for part 14 now). I must admit that I hadn't bothered watching his videos before but I will be checking out the others once he finishes this one. :laugh:

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