Mark Reads Discworld

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I suspect it may have a lot to do with attitudes and how they have changed over the years since the first book. The Colour of Magic came out in 1983. Attitudes to casual racism were a lot more relaxed then. Things have changed, partly due to people realising that racism is stupid - especially when you get to know the people you may have been racist or homophobic about, and realise that they are more like you than they are different. One of the things that Terry uses the Watch for, is to point out that all the members are, first and foremost, coppers. Vimes himself can be somewhat racist in the early books. Ankh-Morpork is becoming a much more cosmopolitan city and the citizens are learning to respect their fellow citizens. There are still problems - the basis of which form the plots of several of the later books, but they are getting there. The Discworld is opening up and people are relating to each other. It's not unlike our world now where experiencing other cultures and getting to know people from around the world via the Internet, is changing how we feel about people.


City Watch
Mar 24, 2015
Melbourne, Victoria
Aquamarine said:
:laugh: I remember that scene from Jingo, where Vimes takes Colon aside to explain to him why terms like "towelhead" are not diplomatic, and then Colon's discussion with Nobby afterwards about the importance of names. The thing is, Pratchett still makes Colon a likeable guy without condoning what he does. That's no small feat, considering Colon is essentially an idiot know-nothing-know-it-all coward with surprisingly bigoted views of other races and species.
:laugh: ! Not to mention when Colon tries to "blend in" with the Klatchians and find out where the Klatchian army is. If memory serves, he says something like this:

"Greetings, O fellow brothers of the dessert... Bet you can't wait to be back on your camels, eh? I know I can't. Anyone taken any baksheesh lately? You can call me Al."

:laugh: Gold! :p If that doesn't sound suspicious right away, I don't know what is... ;)

Things like this is why Colon scenes are some of my favourite scenes in any Watch book. Whenever he shows up, it's pretty much guaranteed that he'll start mayhem by getting the wrong end of the stick or by simply being thick - and often, being too thick to understand that he's being thick. ;)

high eight

Dec 28, 2009
The Back of Beyond
Tonyblack said:
It bothered me a bit, but not much. I don't think he always "gets" Terry's humour. I have seen him take offence at a comment a character has made. He doesn't seem to realise that you don't have to be racist to write a racist character.
There was that rather 'WTF' moment in one of his reviews of 'Pyramids' (I think it was) when he wrote "Somebody had better address that appalling comment"

As one of the people on the board said (paraphrased as I can't remember the exact wording): - "It is not the job of characters to correct the speech of other characters" (She promptly got her head bitten off for calling some of Mark's followers 'hipsters') o_O

I'm just waiting for the reaction to the joke (early in Witches Abroad) about Greebo trying to rape a four-horse logging wagon :laugh:

(Sorry about the double post, btw)

high eight

Dec 28, 2009
The Back of Beyond
Tonyblack said:
Hello again Tony and everybody. I'm glad to be back myself. I've had various health issues but am on the mend now (at least I hope so)

I decided to stay off of Marks boards. I know I'm not PC enough for them and would only get annoyed (and annoy other people) if I got involved (For example, I quite liked Windle Poons as a bum-pinching dirty old wizard, and as for censoring the word 'Gypsy'.......... :x ).

I'm entertained by his readings, though. It is interesting and amusing to see somebody encountering Terry's genius for the first time. I get the feeling that Nanny will be accused of racism at least once before she hits Genua - and as for Granny clobbering Gollum with an oar.... :laugh:


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I've found that the best way to enjoy the site is to listen to the videos on a Sunday morning via YouTube and then read the comments he makes through the week. I don't really bother with the chat there now.


Aug 30, 2009
United States
I watched him through CoM just because I wanted to reread the book but didn't really have the time to. I travel up and down the state a lot, so I downloaded some of his stuff to listen to on the road. He's entertaining to me when he stumbles into jokes he wasn't expecting, which adds a little company to the trip when I'm driving alone for several hours :)

I still really like his stuff, but the deeper I got into Moving Pictures, the more frustrated I got when he kept censoring or taking offense to things. I keep mentioning MP specifically, because I don't think he really did much with the books leading up to it, or at least not the ones I've listened to. I suppose he hasn't really gotten to the books that explore racism and prejudice more (barring Equal Rites, obviously :rolleyes: )

That said, I am, indeed, waiting to see what he does with Jingo. :p

high eight

Dec 28, 2009
The Back of Beyond
Penfold said:
Tonyblack said:
It bothered me a bit, but not much. I don't think he always "gets" Terry's humour. I have seen him take offence at a comment a character has made. He doesn't seem to realise that you don't have to be racist to write a racist character.
He is going to have a real field day with 'Jingo' then. :laugh:
He'll probably complain that it is full of jingoism :naughty:


May 20, 2012
He still doesn't seem to have caught on to the fact that you can write a black character without ever using the word "black" to label them. Fortunately some of the commenters are trying politely to make that clear.


May 20, 2012
There's such a long time lag between his reading and reviewing, and the posting of the reviews (and therefore the chance to comment), that it's really hard for a comment to have an effect on his reviews. There have been some good attempts already, but even if they are effective, the results won't show for another three to five weeks.
Ella is one of only three people in Genua (four if you count Saturday, who is always grey) who are described by a color term. All the rest can be any color the reader wants them to be. (New Orleans had 61% black of one description or another. It would be reasonable to expect at least 60% in Genua as well.) Just today a commenter (not me) managed to point out the Catch-22 in the whole issue in a way that might not be instantly rejected. I hope it has the intended effect.


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
I was watching the latest two episodes on YouTube this afternoon and thought it somewhat bizarre that Mark won't use the word "bitch" when it's written in a book he's reading, but a short while later he used the phrase "motherf***er", which wasn't in the text. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy his readings - but I do feel that sometimes his outrage over a word is somewhat hypocritical. :rolleyes:
I do understand why he does it - one just describes sex and the other is a slur but it is odd the way he does it. And of course, being gay I imagine that "bitch" may have been a word used on him a lot so I can understand the flinching but he does seem to ignore any other contexts that can come with each use.

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