The problem with Pushing Daisies was that it wasn't getting good ratings, and then the Writers' Strike came along and that just about finished it off.
The Writers' Strike finished of quite a few shows. Not that I didn't agree with the writers - they were really getting shafted by the networks. Only getting something like 5p for every DVD sale. And considering the writers did all the hard work, I supported their strike. It was just a pity that it killed off some great shows like PD.
The problem with Pushing Daisies was that it wasn't getting good ratings, and then the Writers' Strike came along and that just about finished it off.
The Writers' Strike finished of quite a few shows. Not that I didn't agree with the writers - they were really getting shafted by the networks. Only getting something like 5p for every DVD sale. And considering the writers did all the hard work, I supported their strike. It was just a pity that it killed off some great shows like PD.