
Nobody knows when he was born - PLUS
not to let people know when your birthday falls isn't too sensible a practice if you're being brought up a Hebrew is it?
The Roman Orthodox Church were buggers for letting go of damned good ideas and religiously

kept to the former Imperial practice of latching their own pantheon on the handiest local equivalent deities out in the vast colonial regions. Only having the one god was a leetle bit of a problem granted, but then all they had to do in that case was home in on the big fire festivals that most cultures have for periods when they need to stay in and keep warm (in the northerly European areas anyway) and Holy Joe's yer Uncle etc. Yule/Winter Solstice becomes Xmas (X for whoever this other chap was), Samhain/Day of the Dead/Death of the Sun handily becomes All Souls or All Hallows Eve with All Saints the next day

Easter - come on down Eostre/Mithras/insert local deity of choice here, you're just in time for Beltane and Spring festivals - not forgetting lambing time too!
Clever chappies the Romans - they should never have junked the Latin Mass though, it was so much more fun when you didn't know what on earth you were saying and singing about...
Let's go
trad cosy for a bit... :twisted: