Copied from Benard's the Cunnings one's site, and I did miss getting there this year for Hogswatch buggerit.
by Bernard the Stout » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:54 am
We all have them, well mostly.
They can be the small 'bijou' variety – mum + some, or they can be a bloody tribe of parents ancient and modern with herds of offsprung littering the place.
Whatever they are, you can't choose.
You’re born into it for better or worse.
Discworld is a family, thankfully one we can choose to be part of.
I have heard this so many times over the last few days. One time this weekend from a man I have known for years, who told me with tears in his eyes just what support and strength he has garnered from being part of our family of parts – when winter comes you know what trees are evergreen, his winter has been made easier to bare by the evergreen friends he has within our family.
He is not alone.
We all have become part of this sort of 'tribe' like random iron fillings being drawn to a magnet, this 'magnet' of course is a series of books which give us all an uncommon denominator.
But it is not just the books, or even that splendid man who writes them, that makes it all tick, its the people that read them that 'connect' that make the family
Its the people that gather together on forums, conventions, gatherings and of course for those who can make the journey, funny old Wincanton who make the magic happen.
People from all walks of life, all ages, all nationalities.
There are no boundaries of gender, race or type – what you see is what you get – and oh by gingo aint it all wonderful, rainbow nation be buggerd, we got Octerine as well.
So thank you all.
Thank you those who braved the cold this last weekend.
Thank you for the cards, the pies, the cakes, the booze, the sweets, the cakes – oh and did I mention the pies!
But really I wish to say,
Thank you, thank you all – life is a journey made much easier by your friendship.
Happy Hogswatch
From me and my best friends.
by Bernard the Stout » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:54 am
We all have them, well mostly.
They can be the small 'bijou' variety – mum + some, or they can be a bloody tribe of parents ancient and modern with herds of offsprung littering the place.
Whatever they are, you can't choose.
You’re born into it for better or worse.
Discworld is a family, thankfully one we can choose to be part of.
I have heard this so many times over the last few days. One time this weekend from a man I have known for years, who told me with tears in his eyes just what support and strength he has garnered from being part of our family of parts – when winter comes you know what trees are evergreen, his winter has been made easier to bare by the evergreen friends he has within our family.
He is not alone.
We all have become part of this sort of 'tribe' like random iron fillings being drawn to a magnet, this 'magnet' of course is a series of books which give us all an uncommon denominator.
But it is not just the books, or even that splendid man who writes them, that makes it all tick, its the people that read them that 'connect' that make the family
Its the people that gather together on forums, conventions, gatherings and of course for those who can make the journey, funny old Wincanton who make the magic happen.
People from all walks of life, all ages, all nationalities.
There are no boundaries of gender, race or type – what you see is what you get – and oh by gingo aint it all wonderful, rainbow nation be buggerd, we got Octerine as well.
So thank you all.
Thank you those who braved the cold this last weekend.
Thank you for the cards, the pies, the cakes, the booze, the sweets, the cakes – oh and did I mention the pies!
But really I wish to say,
Thank you, thank you all – life is a journey made much easier by your friendship.
Happy Hogswatch
From me and my best friends.