Finally finished reading Monstrous Regiment 2 days ago - taken me the longest of all the books so far - apart from from my year and a half on-off affair with Com and LF.
Can't address every issue raised in the discussion, I had made some notes while read but must have lost them...or thought I had made them but hadn't.
Firstly aside from Tonker, Lofty and Wazzer's background, I didn't feel it was anywhere near as dark a book as Night Watch - which had me in tears frequently with Cable Street and Vimes' knowledge...
I did think it was getting a bit tedious discovering almost every person was a woman but still gave me a smile discovering Jackrum was too. She was like a shepard and you could easily replace
'Little Lads' with
'Little Lambs'.
Enjoyed the book a lot and didn't predict it was going to end as a courtroom drama (like the
Few Good Men reference

) I kept thinking of it as a strange case on Ally McBeal, in finding out the Major, their lawyer was a woman too.
I found it really weird that none of the regiment killed anyone, especially Tonker, considering how volatile she was.
Also I would've thought that even though Igorina hadn't gone into service with a vampire that she might already have had experience dispensing with them...?
I have lots more to say but can't think of it all right now..