That and a load of blade-bearing, blood-thirsty maniacs (gender undetermined and largley irrelevant in this scenario) bearing down on your hearth and home perhaps - you certainly wouldn't ask them in for tea would you... ?
Fight or flight I believe and don't stick around to find out where they keep their socks
There are numerous historical instances of female warriors - the Celts certainly had women warriors and Boudicca and her daughters are a notable recorded instance of women leading the Iceni (and squishing Roman-held Colchester, London and St. Albans more or less) in retaliation for getting raped and generally beaten to a pulp in their settlement in Norfolk after being stripped of their territorial rights when Boudicca's husband died - the Romans did not recognise women as co-rulers which was the case with Celtic tribes in Britain at that time.
Anti-war activism is very laudable and I agree Polly should have not got dragged back into the army as a man or a woman, but if you are being attacked on your doorstep, your principles tend not to be respected do they?
Fight or flight I believe and don't stick around to find out where they keep their socks

There are numerous historical instances of female warriors - the Celts certainly had women warriors and Boudicca and her daughters are a notable recorded instance of women leading the Iceni (and squishing Roman-held Colchester, London and St. Albans more or less) in retaliation for getting raped and generally beaten to a pulp in their settlement in Norfolk after being stripped of their territorial rights when Boudicca's husband died - the Romans did not recognise women as co-rulers which was the case with Celtic tribes in Britain at that time.
Anti-war activism is very laudable and I agree Polly should have not got dragged back into the army as a man or a woman, but if you are being attacked on your doorstep, your principles tend not to be respected do they?