Er, back to the original topic...
Bouncy, as much as I love a lot of the 'stuff' (says the man who spent $80 US to get one of two Thud! sets in the U.S.)I do agree with you in some ways. As the concept owner, he deserves the right to commercially exploit DW however he wants to, and like others have said, we have the right not to buy into it. We all wish our art creators would be artistically pure, but when does that ever happen? It used to bug the snot of out of me when Charles Schulz would whore out Snoopy and Charlie Brown to shill everything from insurance to third-rate dessert cakes, but it was his right to do so.
You do know that an author has kind of jumped that commercial literary shark when you start seeing apostrophes being added, as in, "Terry Pratchett's Discworld" or "Frank Herbert's Dune" over the title of some lousy sequel or spin off created by someone else.