I guess what I was thinking when I wrote that, was that there must be some reason other than the law that prevents suicide.
The main things that I can think of are:
1. Family (feelings & opinions)
2. Life insurance policies (which almost never cover death by suicide)
3. Fear (or, perhaps, shame?)
4. Knowledge
5. The law
The actual law I think is a pretty minor hurtle, seeing as you're pretty much beyond punishment, though it would be a big factor in
assisted suicide.
Knowledge wouldn't be hard to get. I don't get the "they shouldn't have to go to a website" thing. If there were official assisted suicide doctors, wouldn't you still go to websites to research who's a reputable doctor?
I think the main disuading factors are the family's feelings and opinions, and the desire to help provide for your children in the form of any life insurance policy that you might have.
I think the biggest benefits of assisted suicide are the communication they help provide between parents & children, and the companionship during the procedure. I think that close communication with those you would leave behind is very important.
On a strange side-note, this topic made me learn something new. I used to live in San Diego and visited Tijuana every couple of months for the cheap shopping, dancing, and beer. I knew that a lot of people crossed the border to get low-cost perscription drugs, but I had no idea that there were "euthanasia shops" that sold pentobarbital (the drug used to put dogs to sleep) to tourists!
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/21/world ... juana.html
http://www.globalaging.org/elderrights/ ... urists.htm
Still, if it were me, I don't think I'd use an injection. Why spend your last minute on Earth sticking a sharp piece of metal into your arm? I think I'd probably use an oxygen mask and inhale nitrous oxide (laughing gas) until I went to sleep. Now that sounds like a fun way to go!