Names of Characters in Foreign Editions.

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Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Some more Dutch names are:

Sam Vimes = Douwe Flinx
Havelock Vetinari = Huigen Ottopedi
C.M.O.T. Dibbler = Snij'k In Eigen Vlees Snikkel
Carrot = Biet
Granny Weatherwax = Opoe Wedersmeer
Nanny Ogg = Ootje Nak
Magrat Garlick = Magraat Knophlox
Detritus = Gneisbaard
Fred Colon = Wies Dendarm
Nobby = Bobo Bollebos
Ridcully = Ridiekel
Bursar = administrateur
Senior Wrangler = bovenstalmeester
Dean = hoofddecaan
Moist = Feucht von Lippvacht
Angua = Angoea
Ponder Stibbons = Pander Stibbond


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Do you read the books in Dutch or English Sjoerd3000? My Dutch friend read them in Dutch and then I was sending her British copies to read. She really enjoyed them in English. :laugh:
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Tonyblack said:
Do you read the books in Dutch or English Sjoerd3000? My Dutch friend read them in Dutch and then I was sending her British copies to read. She really enjoyed them in English. :laugh:
I started reading the books in Dutch. But then I couldn´t find the Dutch translation of Interesting times so I bought that one in English and enjoyed that very much. After that I started reading (and buying ;) ) the books in English. I still have a lot of the books in Dutch and I still read them. :)
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Here are some of the booknames in Dutch:

Equal Rites = Meidezeggenschap
Mort = Dunne Hein
Sourcery = Betoverkind
Wyrd Sisters = De Plaagzusters
Moving Pictures = Rollende Prenten
Reaper man = Maaierstijd
Witches Abroad = Heksen in de Lucht
Small Gods = Kleingoderij
Lords and Ladies = Edele Heren en Dames
Men at arms = Te Wapen
Soul Music = Zieltonen
Feet of Clay = Lemen Voeten
Hogfather = Berevaar
Jingo = Houzee!
The Last Continent = Het jongste werelddeel
Carpe Jurgulum = Pluk de Strot
Going Postal = Posterijen
Thud! = Bam!
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
#56 said:
i think i would have guessed one of those, guess which one :) o_O:
Maybe you can gues which ones these are: ;)
Dief van Tijd
De Nachtwacht
De Vijfde Olifant
Monsterlijk Regiment
De Kleur van Toverij
Wacht! Wacht!
Interessante tijden
De Waarheid
Mirakelse Maurits en zijn Gestudeerde Knaagdieren


Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sjoerd3000 said:
Tonyblack said:
As you can see from the first post on this thread - I've got The Light Fantastic in Dutch - wish I could read it. :laugh:
Maybe thats a good reason to learn Dutch :) After all how hard can it be? ;)
I have nothing but the deepest admiration for Dutch people and their command of European languages. :laugh: The British are terrible when it comes to learning languages - I don't know why. I used to feel embarrassed that so many Dutch people could speak excellent English and I could barely manage a word of Dutch. :oops:
Jul 20, 2009
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Tonyblack said:
Sjoerd3000 said:
Tonyblack said:
As you can see from the first post on this thread - I've got The Light Fantastic in Dutch - wish I could read it. :laugh:
Maybe thats a good reason to learn Dutch :) After all how hard can it be? ;)
I have nothing but the deepest admiration for Dutch people and their command of European languages. :laugh: The British are terrible when it comes to learning languages - I don't know why. I used to feel embarrassed that so many Dutch people could speak excellent English and I could barely manage a word of Dutch. :oops:
Well one of the reasons that so many Dutch people speak English is that it is compulsory to choose ;) English as an examination subject at high school. Besides that Dutch is hardly a world language.

The English titles for the books I mentioned earlier are:
Thief of Time
Night Watch
The Fifth Elephant
monstrous regiment
The Colour of Magic
Guards! Guards!
Interesting Times
The Truth
The Amazing Maurice & his Educated Rodents

Who has guessed one right? :)

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