Noone has posted the italian translations.. I'm the only italian here?
Well in case anyone is interested :
Pyramids - maledette piramidi! (like 'damn pyramids')
equal rites - l'arte della magia (the art of magic)
Granny- nonnina(more or less exact translation, but the italian doesn't suit her)
Nanny- nonna (nonna is 'Grandmother')
CutMeOwnThroatDibbler - Mi Voglio Rovinare Dibbler (like I wanna ruin myself, more or less, good translation this one)
the wee free men- l'intredipa tiffany e i piccoli uomini liberi
guards!guards!- a me le guardie!
moving pictures- stelle cadenti
mort- morty l'apprendista
Death- Morte (literal translation, but in italian he's a she, and Susan would have a Grandmother...)
dollari-talleri (for no explainable reason..)