New Doctor Who Series

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Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
I've done that to people - it really works. :laugh:
Ha ha! Gotta try it on the old man. :laugh: :twisted:

Bouncy Castle said:
spideyGirl said:
I'll miss Rory more than Amy
Me too. At least I could understand what he was saying most of the time. Amy just mumbled her lines as quickly as possible.

Same with Matt, I'm afraid.
I just found Amy unlikeable as a character. She seemed a little too much like the creator's pet, and had little of the likeability of Rose. This isn't the actress' fault. There are a number of stories (such as The Girl Who Waited) that prove that Karen Gillian can act well when given the right material.

Rory seems to be a better companion, partly because he isn't filled with dopey-eyed wonder about the Doctor straight away. The better companions tend to be suspicious of the Doctor initially. Look at Sarah Jane Smith, or the Brigadier.
Apr 29, 2009
Was The Brig technically a Companion?

My memory is vague - did he ever travel in the Tardis? I have hazy memories of scenes of him in the Tardis, but can't remember if he ever went to distant galaxies or not.


Dec 7, 2010
Bouncy Castle said:
Was The Brig technically a Companion?

My memory is vague - did he ever travel in the Tardis? I have hazy memories of scenes of him in the Tardis, but can't remember if he ever went to distant galaxies or not.
He did on at least two occasions in the TV series. In The Three Doctors, he was transported along with the TARDIS (though the TARDIS didn't actually move itself, it was transported by an antimatter creature) to Omega's anti-matter world within the black hole (though he initially thought that they were either in another country, thus risking a diplomatic disaster, or a beach in Norfolk). And in The Five Doctors, he was transported by Time Scoop along with the Second Doctor to Gallifrey. Oh, and in Mawdryn Undead, the Brigadier (from two different times simultaneously) entered a spaceship in orbit around the Earth.

In other media, he does travel to other worlds. In the radio story The Paradise of Death, he is transported to at least one other alien planet. In the novel The Face of the Enemy, he was transported (along with Benton, Ian Chesterton, the Master and Barbara) to the devastated parallel Earth from Inferno. And in the novel The Shadow in the Glass, he travels back in time with the Sixth Doctor and meets Hitler.

Anyway, he counts pretty much as a companion. He's worked with the Doctor for so damn long, he'd be an honorary companion at least.


Dec 7, 2010
Tonyblack said:
:laugh: In that case, K-9 was a companion as well.
Well, duh. Anyone who believes that K-9 wasn't a companion should be sentenced to be strapped down to watch Star Trek non-stop for all of the original series...with no food, no water, and no toilet breaks. :twisted:


Mar 1, 2012

Short huh?

I liked "Cubed" and the Angels of New York the best.

I heard an interview where they said it was more like 5 little mini-movies. Totally agree.

Though I have to say... the series with Rose and Donna was more satisfying... I love the hunt for the clues in a proper series.

Yes Tony I will miss Rory's dad too :( I liked Rory too. Is River still going to be in it?

Feel like I have been offered nothing but a tiny sip of ale at the Guinness Brewery. FIVE episodes??? WHY? Its a world wide hit.. not like they cant sell it. Was it all the production costs of going to the USA? They could have filmed it in the BBC carpark for all I care. FIVE?

I was watching rather distractedly in the final one and suddenly burst into tears when Amy was gone :( :( Dead quiet loungeroom and lots of other sniffles too...

I feel like I have been conned.... FIVE episodes?
Apr 29, 2009
Don't worry, honey.

There's a Christmas Special (where we meet the next Companion............ again - see the first eppy) and then another, I think, 7, making a total of 13.

Don't forget that next year is the squillionth anniversary, so should have Major Doctor Whozzz.
Apr 29, 2009
There were a lot of people on the BBC boards of the Angels/Manhattan thread wondering about some "closure" for Brian.

This is the BBC Points of View thread (wot I started! :clap: ) and there are many on there who wanted Brian to have found out what happened to his son and daughter in law. ... 1#lastpost

There's a poster on there called Tony Ingram (or tony ingram has he is registered - I'm not sure that he's not a relative of our chrisph, for his lack of capital letters! Anyhoo........ ) ........

Mr Ingram gets into some snarky rows with other posters, because they don't know the exact script of every Doctor Who episode since time began.

In fact, he can be an obnoxious git.

If any of you are registered at BBC POV, get in there, should you feel the need.......... natch!!


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